
Chimpanzee Dreams

You may find it unexpected that this wild ape, which solely inhabits the expansive jungles of Africa, made an appearance in your dream. Chimpanzees are rare symbolic figures that appear for a specific purpose during a particular phase in one’s life.

While monkeys are generally seen as symbols of joy, immaturity, and mischief, chimpanzees are often linked to communication, family, and our primal instincts and behaviors.

The Meaning of Dreaming about Chimpanzees

In fact, humans are very close to chimpanzees, sharing about 95 – 98 percent of our DNA with them. If you observe them, you’ll notice that we both use tools to accomplish our goals, laugh with one another, and are highly social.

We should consider the chimpanzee in our dreams as something akin to us but less refined—the primal side, something not fully developed. The chimpanzee will present itself in a way that determines if it comes as a guide or an unconscious issue.

Chimpanzee Symbolism:

  • Divine connection,
  • Language and communication,
  • Earthly intuition,
  • Power and adaptability,
  • Wisdom and intelligence,
  • Aggressive and powerful;
  • Social complexity.

Chimpanzee Dreams: Reflections of Our Primal Selves

Since dreams often use metaphors to convey messages, we can examine the chimp’s behaviors to see if they mirror some of our unconscious instincts. If we’re not consciously aware of these behaviors, the chimp might act aggressively, whereas being in harmony with it might make the chimp loyal or friendly to you.

The chimp may reflect our innate hard-wired behaviors that we often mask or reject in our personalities. It might represent our sexual urges, the need to procreate, violent tendencies, greed, protection, and the instincts to hunt, feed, and provide.

Dreams of Chimpanzee Attacks

A chimpanzee attack in our dream signifies your repressed instincts and behaviors that are not acknowledged. They attack you only when you’re unable to control these primal behaviors within.

Seeing a baby chimp in your dream represents development or an understanding of your primal or instinctual side. How did the baby interact with you?

Fun Fact:

The oldest recorded chimpanzee was Little Mama, a captive female who was between 76 to 82 years old when she died in 2017.

Chimpanzee Dreams: Communication & Behaviors

Could the chimpanzee reflect how you interact in small and social groups? Since they are known to live in communities and families, what does that mean for you? Could the chimp represent your unrefined nature in social settings?

The loud call or screech directs your attention to communication, possibly an inability to express its inner primitive feelings, needs, and potentially danger.

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