Dreaming of Cows
When a cow appears in your dreams, it connects you with feminine energy – Mother Earth. In many cultures, cows are revered as sacred beings that deserve protection. According to Hindu texts, cows are seen as caregivers and maternal figures that provide protection.
The Significance of Cow Dreams
Cows are highly symbolic in dreams, often appearing to women and less frequently to men. If a man dreams of a cow, it signifies a strong connection to feminine energy. The dream’s meaning may vary based on how the cow is presented.
Cow Symbolism in Dreams
- gentle and nurturing
- mother or unconscious feminine
- provider
- abundance
- fertility
Cow Dreams & The Mother Goddess
Throughout history, humans have shared stories and myths to understand the world and act accordingly. In dreams, we receive images as metaphors that link directly to the ‘mother goddess’ archetype.
The cow symbol reflects attributes of motherhood, fertility, creation, nature, or the bounty of the earth. She also possesses the power to destruct and attack, determining your dream relationship with the cow.
Cow Dreams: The Inner Feminine
According to Shamanic Astrology, we have an ‘inner other’ or what Carl Jung termed the inner feminine (anima) for men. The androgynous nature of humans encompasses the masculine within the female and the feminine within the male. The cow symbolizes the inner feminine, offering you insight.
Essentially, the cow appears positively when internal feminine energy is well-nourished. These traits are inherent, with the cow embodying what might be hidden or unfolding. Distortions in these energies may cast the cow in a negative light in dreams.
- Creativity. The Divine Feminine is the creative power bringing all things into existence
- Warrior Spirit
- Deep Sense of Justice, Balance, & Morality
- Passive Resistance
- Stronger Awareness of Thoughts and Feelings
- Having a Multifaceted Personality
- Feeling the Need to Self-Sacrifice to Maintain Virtue
The Prophetic Symbolism
Bible Genesis 1:24 – And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
Hindus revere cows as sacred beings. Hinduism elevates the status of Mother to that of Goddess. Thus, the cow is considered divine, providing life and nutrients. It is a symbol of the earth’s bounty.
Bast, the Egyptian cat goddess, protected mothers and their newborns. Women with fertility issues would make offerings to Bast, hoping for conception. Bast became closely associated with Mut, a mother goddess figure.
Isis embodies the feminine archetype of creation; like the cow, she is the goddess of fertility and motherhood, playing numerous roles in history and mythology as the creator.
Common Cow Dream Meanings
Cows Giving Birth Dream: Cows giving birth symbolize receiving wealth and nourishment in life. This birth signifies a positive omen that wealth and nourishment are forthcoming. It serves as a reminder to be gentle with new beginnings.
Baby Cow: Seeing a baby cow in your dream is a positive symbol representing longevity, abundance, and new wealth. It signifies a new development in your life from which you will prosper.
Cows Fighting: Such dreams connect to issues related to the mother or feminine energy. However, they also relate to the bull, which signifies masculine strength and aggression when provoked. Cows are also connected to the lunar or moon goddess.
Cows Chasing: Being chased by a cow in a dream metaphorically relates to avoidance or not confronting maternal issues. It may indicate a mother complex or a devouring mother figure.
Milking A Cow: The phrase ‘to milk a cow’ suggests extracting more than needed or overusing something to one’s benefit. It could also signify profiting from hard work.
Cows Attacking: When feminine energy is distorted, an angry cow may appear in dreams. These dreams may indicate disturbances within the seven traits of the internal feminine spirit. They urge you to examine your relationship with the mother. They might also suggest unconscious guilt about consuming beef.
Dead Cow: Noticing a dead cow in dreams highlights neglected areas of life, particularly the feminine aspects. Death often symbolizes rebirth, suggesting a fresh start.
Colors Of Cows: Cow colors hold symbolic meaning. Typically, dreams feature black, brown, or white cows for specific reasons. Black may represent mystery, shadow, power, or unknown aspects. White signifies purity and innocence, while brown suggests grounding.
Cow Running: Why was the cow running? Was it angry or happy? These dreams vary based on context, generally symbolizing joy and happiness.
Cattle: Seeing cattle in dreams might foretell lean or productive years. Cattle signify abundance and prosperity. This can apply to internal rewards as well.
Cow Interesting Facts
- Cattle are herbivores, eating vegetation like grass.
- Cattle stomachs have four chambers to break down food.
- Over 1 billion cattle exist worldwide.
- Cattle are sacred in India.
- India has 300 million cattle, most protected by religion.
- Young cattle are called calves.
- Adult females are called cows.
- Cattle are herbivores that consume grass.