Dreams A-Z Dream Dictionary

Dreams A-Z Dream Dictionary Amnesia to Axle

Welcome to part 2 of my Dreams A-Z Dream Dictionary. We we will be starting with Amnesia all the way to axle. Its a huge one. So sit back and enjoy! You can read the Dreams A-Z Dictionary Part 1 Here.


When you dream of suffering from amnesia, this signifies your feelings towards change in your life. You might not want to face realities in your life. So, you try not to acknowledge them.

When you dream of suffering from amnesia this can signify your fear. This can be the fear of losing something or someone. It can also be the fear of losing control of your life which causes you anxiety and then paranoia in real life


When you dream of an amoeba this can signify the need to be more adaptive to your situation. You need to practice more discipline and learn how to overcome obstacles as they appear.

When you dream of amoeba this can signify your low IQ thinking. While you might understand the fundamental principles of things your level of comprehension is low


When you dream of being amorous this signifies your battles against temptation in real life. Your subconscious is warning you about the temptations you are facing. 

It will be important to practice discipline and create boundaries. These boundaries you make are so that you do not overstep yourself and land into some trouble you might not be able to get out of.

When you dream of another person being amorous this can be interpreted as others trying to tempt you into doing something illicit and wrong. It will be important to notice the faces of the people you see in your dreams and protect yourself physically and spiritually from their temptations.


When you dream of an Amphisbaena this signifies your lack of direction. You might be caught in a situation in which you are not able to make up your mind on what to do. 

It can also signify confusion and stagnancy. Also, this can signify your longing to have kids of your own


When you dream of being in an amphitheater this can signify your need to impart wisdom and constructive teachings to others.

When you dream of an amphitheater in a circular shape this represents fulfillment in your life. 

When you see the rows of seats around a central stage in an amphitheater this represents the part we chose to play in relationships we are in.


When you dream of an amplifier, this can signify your need to be recognized and heard.  You might believe that nobody takes your point of view seriously and you need people to hear you out.

Also, this can signify your need to build on your ability to socialize and reach out to others so you have a greater influence on others.


When you have dreams of being an amputee this can be interpreted as depression setting in on you. There may be things in your life that are not going the way you want and this is causing you to feel depressed and hopeless.

Also, dreaming of amputations can signify past indiscretions that have been haunting you have finally come to haunt you. 

When you dream that your arms are amputated this signifies you lack the drive to pursue your goals.

When you dream that your legs have been amputated this signifies that obstacles are impeding your path to progress. This obstacle can be a person, or situation in your life. In very ironic circumstances the obstacle could be yourself.


When you dream of wearing an amulet this can signify your belief of being protected by a higher force. The amulet is an indication of your source of strength.

When you dream of being given an amulet this can signify enlightenment. You are gifted and talented but you need more enlightenment to use your gifts at an optimal level.

Amusement Park

When you dream of an amusement park this can signify your need to take a break from your normal life and have some fun. You might be so engaged in a project that you do not take care of yourself and those around you. 

Also, this dream can indicate you are too playful and easily distracted from any plan you are on.

When you dream of an empty amusement park that can signify your feeling of loneliness. You might feel as if people are avoiding you and this might affect your self-esteem but you need to pick yourself up and have fun. Do not let what other people feel about you define you.

When you dream of an amusement park ride breaking down this signifies problems in your life that are getting out of control.

When you dream of a closed amusement park this can signify you do not respect the fact you need rest. You might not see the value in unwinding from time to time. 


When you dream of an anaconda this signifies your intellect and intelligence. Dreams like this can indicate your sexual nature. 

Also, this can signify your fear of your secrets being discovered. There are powerful forces at play over your destiny and you need to begin to take charge and utilize the power within you to liberate yourself from these external forces.

Anal Sex

When you dream of having anal sex this can signify your submissive nature. You might be of the ‘supine’ temperament, or in a situation you feel you are forced to submit to a person who you perceive is of a higher authority.

Also, this can signify your anxiety concerning your sexual performance and preferences.


When you dream of being an analyst this signifies your need to analyze your moves and decision making.

When you dream of an analyst this can signify that things in your life are not working the way you wanted them to.


When you dream of anarchy this can signify your lack of control of words you speak. 

You might not think of what you say and how it affects others. This dream can be considered a warning to be very careful of your spoken words and how you choose to express yourself.


When you dream of your ancestors this signifies your need to get in touch with your roots. You might feel you are losing touch with your traditions and beliefs.

Also, this can signify problems within the family that can tear the entire family apart. 


When you dream of an anchor this can signify your feeling of certainty, and secureness in life as it is. You might feel secure in your place of work, and personal life at the moment and do not see a need for change

Also, this can indicate that you firmly believe in your point of view and will defend your decisions with every ounce of resource you can muster.

On the negative side, dreaming of an anchor can signify a stronghold that is not allowing you to perform at your full potential

It is imperative to understand the stronghold holding you back so you can work on it and be more productive.


When you dream of something ancient, this can signify your ability to adapt to new situations because of your past experiences.

Also, this can signify that you are a stickler for tradition. You always look at how things were done and how you can make them more efficient.


When you dream of andirons, this can signify your friends are truly supportive and will be there to help you whenever you need them to. You have a reliable support system consisting of people with resources who are ready to help and support you at any time.

Also, this can signify your feelings of security and happiness with your way of life


When you dream of an androgynous person this can signify your feelings of conflict in certain situations. You might be faced with options to choose from and you are finding it hard to make a choice.

Also, having this kind of dream can signify your need to grow up! You might be playful and not serious about achieving your goals. YOu have people around you who are ready to help and perhaps that is why you are not serious about achieving anything because you rely too much on your support system.

Also, this can signify your need to seek knowledge on options you are presented in real life. This will be necessary before making up your mind.


When you dream of androids this can signify you are becoming depressed with how you are living right now. Your life might be too slow, too boring for your liking. You might find yourself going through the same routine day in and day out and are tired of it

You might need to break your routine and change up to have more fun.

This can also mean that you react more than respond to situations. You hardly process information before you speak on issues.


When you dream of telling anecdotes this can signify your need for self-reflection because you realize you need to build your character by learning new skills and discipline.

Also, this can signify your need to correct mistakes that you have made. You might be feeling guilty about something you did.

Also, this can signify your preference for cheerful relationships rather than uplifting, and stimulating relationships. You prefer the company of friends and peers who like to have fun and do not have a care in the world as opposed to friends who can build your intellect and challenge your knowledge


When you dream of anemones, this signifies a dark phase in your life you do not see a way out of. This phase is followed by feelings of depression, and animosity. Mostly spiritual healing is needed to heal your soul. Forgiveness also helps.

Also, this can signify your need to create boundaries so that your secrets do not get exposed.


When you dream that you are under anesthesia this can signify you are trying to deny certain emotions you are going through. There are consequences of actions you might have taken that you are trying not to own.

Also, this can signify you are going through changes in your real life and it is causing you anxiety. You feel the need to get away from it all because you believe the stress you are going through might be overbearing


When you dream of having an aneurysm this can signify your feelings of confusion. You might be under so much pressure you do not know how to handle things around you as they spiral out of control. You might be buckling to the pressure. 

When you dream of an aneurysm in your brain this can signify the pressure is mental and requires you to calm down and stop thinking for a bit.

When you dream of an aneurysm near your heart this can signify your pressure has to do with your feelings.


Dreaming of angels can signify godliness, purity of heart, and love. When dreaming of angels it will be essential to understand the message they convey and their actions. 

These messages will give you a clearer interpretation of the dream you have. Also, dreams of angels can signify a warning of the evil plans you intend to commit. You may have evil intentions you want to commit, and have a guilty conscience that manifests in your dreams.

When you dream of being an angel this signifies your feelings of righteousness. You might have done some heroic deed and feel so good about yourself.

When you dream of 3 angels in the same dream this signifies a spiritual message. 

When you dream of an angel holding a scroll this signifies a message you need to carry out in your real life. The message in the dream is very important. When you wake up pray about clarity from God and divine impartation of wisdom

When you dream of the angel of death this signifies danger. You might be under attack from the forces of evil. You need prayers and deliverance from attacks of the devil.


When you dream of yourself expressing anger this can signify self-loathing. You might not like some decisions you made in the past and you may be disappointed 

When you keep your anger within yourself, it festers and only grows in intensity. This can be projected through your dreams. Suppressing anger isn’t good for the soul, it is always better to find an outlet and vent, let it all out, and face your anger. It makes you a better person and releases your spirit of so much negative energy.


When you dream of angling this can signify prosperity and breakthroughs in the future for you.

This can also signify your openness to new discoveries and opportunities. You are not the type to hold back.

Spiritually, this can signify your calling to be an evangelist. To fish; Biblically, represents winning souls for Christ.


When you dream of animals this can signify your primal desires, lust, and materialistic tendencies. The type of animal and its characteristics determine to a large extent the meaning of the dream, so it will be important to remember as much detail as possible.

If you dream of fighting an animal this can signify you are denying a part of your nature, or fighting a characteristic of yourself.

When you dream of 2 animals (same species) fighting this can signify you are going through some sexual episode with your partner.

When you dream of animals being abused this can signify you are trying to keep your primal nature in check. You are suppressing your innate desires and forcing yourself to practice some discipline.

When you dream of animals talking this can signify your sub-conscience trying to send you a vital message

When you dream of saving an animal this can signify that you are ready to accept certain characteristics about yourself you must have been trying to hide.

When you dream of setting an animal free this can signify letting loose your innate desires. This means you are not holding back your desires but riding with them.

When you dream of lab animals this can signify a side of yourself you feel is caged. You might feel you are in a situation where you cannot exhibit your true colors,

When you dream of a baby animal this can signify your need for your child.

Animal Shelter

When you dream that you are at an animal shelter indicates that you are feeling shut out of some situation or relationship. It may also represent feelings of being unwanted or unloved. 

Also, this can signify new beginnings. You might be weighing your options on whether or not to start afresh. Having this dream indicates that you are up for this adventure. 


When you dream of watching animation this can signify the funny side of your character. You might be a hilarious or fun-loving person. You take things lightly and do not stress much.

Also, this can signify your feelings of joy and happiness in real life. You might be carefree but you are creative and innovative. Your thought process is always refreshing.


When you dream of watching anime this can signify your fun-loving side. This can also mean you do not like taking things seriously as a way to cope with stress.

Also, this can signify the need for you to be more creative in your approach. Think out of the box from time to time. YOu have the ability for ingenuity and innovation


When you dream of people harboring animosity towards you this can signify your unsureness of decisions you are about to take, or you have taken that you know will rub people the wrong way.

When you dream of animosity this can signify fear. You might not be confident to confront those who have hurt you rather you allow this animosity to fester so much it finds expression in your dreams.


When you dream of an ankh this can signify your heightened level of knowledge and spiritual fulfillment. This means you have the wisdom and knowledge to overcome obstacles ahead of you in real life, the only problem is believing in yourself


When you dream of your ankles this can signify your need for support in some things you are involved in. This can apply to your daily life, place of work, or assignments and goals you have set for yourself.

When you dream of twisting your ankle this can signify hinderances in your path to success. You might be experiencing some sort of obstacles blocking your success at your workplace or in the goals you have set.

When you dream of having bloated ankles this can signify your need to take time off your current path in life. You might need to take a break from the norm and relax, reevaluate your life choices, and reset your goals; if need be.

Ankle Monitor

When you dream of an ankle monitor attached to your leg this can signify monitoring spirits over your destiny. This is considered a spiritual attack from evil forces that monitor your destiny for evil purposes.

This also can signify your reluctance to trust your decision-making abilities, because you second guess your abilities all the time.


When you dream of wearing an anklet this can signify your need to be loved and to love. You might be looking for a special relationship in real life.


When you dream of your anniversary this can signify your need for acceptance and adulation. The type of anniversary means a lot to get a clear and definite interpretation. 

When you dream of a wedding anniversary can signify love and happiness. When you dream about an anniversary of death this can signify a moment to reflect on life and begin anew.


When you dream of hearing an announcer this can signify monitoring spirits over your destiny. These spirits monitor your every move for evil and try at every possible opportunity to control and manipulate you.

You will need to take this battle for your soul seriously and fight with prayers against the evil forces that want to manipulate your destiny.

When you dream of hearing an announcer during a sporting event this can signify then the words the announcer speaks are messages you need to implement in real life

When you dream of being an announcer this can signify the control evil forces have over you because you are not in charge of your destiny any longer rather you are being controlled by these forces


When you dream of being annoyed this can signify pent-up anger that needs to be released 


When you dream of an annulment this can signify your refusal to accept your reality.


When you dream of being anorexic this can signify your feeling of low self-esteem. This might be connected with self-loathing and deep emotional stress. You might be trying too hard to be accepted by your peers and you need to stop!

Answering Machine

When you dream of an answering machine this can signify your inability to articulate the message a close confidant is relaying to you. YOu might not want to understand because the person is speaking the truth or your thought process is clouded at the moment.


When you dream of being in Antarctica this can signify the obstacles and hindrances you are facing in real life. 

When you dream of living in Antarctica this signifies your ability to endure and focus on goals you have set for yourself


When you dream of an anteater this signifies your need to be cautious in everything you are doing.


When you dream of an antelope this can signify you have set your goals pretty high and you are not scared of the hard work and focus it’ll take to achieve such goals. This is a good dream because due to your diligence and hard work, you are set to break through every barrier you face.

Also, dreaming of antelopes could be your ‘inner man/woman’ suggesting you flee from the situation you are facing in real life.

When you dream of an antelope collapsing this could signify that you are the cause of a faulty relationship.


When you dream of an antenna this can signify the way you communicate with others around you. It will be vital to understand the type of antenna you dream of (this will go a long way in understanding the message of the dream).


When you dream of an anthill this can signify laziness and lack of effort on your part. You might be procrastinating from carrying out duties and dragging your feet when it comes to achieving your goals.


When you dream of taking antibiotics this can signify your protection against the forces of evil. There are attacks on your destiny in the spiritual realm and you are battling against such evil forces.


When you dream of needing an antidote this can signify your need for forgiveness. You might have done something bad to someone in the past and you feel you need that person’s forgiveness 


When you dream of antifreeze this can signify your lack of empathy. You need to discover God’s love to be able to forgive others. With love, you will be able to begin to love and grow emotions again.


When you dream of antiques this can signify how you value tradition and knowledge. You respect tradition and the law. You do not stray from protocol and always stick to the law.

You always refer to the past and how tradition shaped your life and conduct.

When you dream of antiques yet you do not like them this can signify you are losing grips with your traditions and childhood teachings.


When you dream of using antiseptic this can signify healing and a new spiritual awakening. This should be a case of ‘out with the old and in with the new’.

It will be advisable to stay away from old habits that drag you back to your old character.


When you dream of being antisocial this can signify that you have some time alone. YOu might have been overworking yourself, or being under the influence of others for too long. 

Also, this can mean you just don’t like socializing and like to do things solo.


When you dream of antlers this can signify your need to assert your dominance over others or a situation. You might be in a situation in your real life where you feel your manhood being challenged and you feel you need to impose your will.

Also, this can mean you believe you are entitled to a prize or award.


When you dream of ants this can signify your unhappiness with how things are going on in your life. You might not be living to your full potential, and you feel you have much more to contribute but are not able to.

Also, dreaming of ants can be interpreted as your hard work and focus on achieving goals. You might be dutiful and committed to working until you achieve your goals.

Even the Bible references ants to hard work and diligence to duty in Proverbs 6:6-11 and Proverbs 30:25-28

Also, dreaming of ants can be interpreted as a need for mass action and public protest. Ants are organized and do not conform to anarchy, so this can also relate to how organized your life is. You do not conform to anarchy and anything that has no structure.


When you dream of Anibus this can signify your need for openness and gathering of information to make informed decisions in your life. This can be definitive between needing spiritual awakeness and discovering yourself. 

Also, this can signify the spirit of death hovering around you. You do not need to be the person close to death but someone close to you.


Wow! What could ever make you dream of your anus! Right? Yet, when you dream of your anus this can signify the bad feelings of someone or something you have been repressing. These feelings you might be repressing are feelings of guilt and low self-esteem. These feelings hold you down and make your life uncomfortable.

You need to work on building your confidence and getting rid of negative feelings. You are wonderfully made and have a right to live a fulfilled and happy life.

Also, the anus is related to excreting, ‘giving away’, so it might interpret that you are a giving person or a stingy person; depending on the full context of the dream.


When you dream of an anvil this can signify you are in charge of your success. You are not being held down by red tape, curses, or any obstacle.

We are not saying you will not come across hindrances or obstacles, but whatever obstacle you come across you have the resources and the temperament to overcome such obstacles with ease.

When you dream of a broken anvil this can signify the opportunities you let pass you by


When you dream of going through anxiety this can signify situations you are going through in real life. 

Most of us carry on responsibilities that make us anxious and the weight of such responsibilities weigh heavily on our conscience.


When you dream of an apartment this can signify your worry about your financial or emotional state. When you dream of an apartment you will need to remember the details of the dream to get a viable interpretation.

When you dream of a big luxuriously furnished apartment this can signify you are making the right decisions in life and you are growing in line with your destiny.

When you dream of a poorly furnished and messed up apartment this can signify that your financial situation is bad.


When you dream of apes this can signify fraud, illegal dealings, and deception. When you dream of apes you need to understand the entire context of the dream to get a full interpretation.

Also, this can signify someone has betrayed you in real life. It will be vital to take a break and reflect on all your interactions to find out who betrayed you and the reason why.


When you dream of the apocalypse this symbolises a huge shift in your emotional state. You might be going through something really ‘major’ in your life that can be traumatic, and it is making you feel anxious. 

This can also signify a change in your lifestyle, you might have changed your religious beliefs or eating habits and it is having a profound effect on you.


When you dream of Apollo this can signify wisdom and knowledge. It also signifies emotional and intellectual growth.


When you dream of apologizing to another person this can signify your need for clarity and happiness. You might be feeling guilty about something you must have done to someone. 

When you dream of someone apologizing to you this can signify your need for reconciliation. You might feel that you are unappreciated and want the party you feel has wronged you to reconcile with you.


When you dream of an apparition this can signify your love for life. You might enjoy life a bit too much. You are losing focus and using all your resources chasing what makes the least sense. 

Also, this can signify that the people you rely on are not your real friends and will betray you.


When you dream of thing appearing from nowhere this can signify that you are not using your intellect to its full potential, and you are not using it in the areas that will be most productive.

It will be vital to try and look for a sector where your intellect and skill can be more productive and appreciated. 


When you dream of your appearance this can signify you have problems with the way people look, and take you. 

When you dream of your appearance and you look rough and unkempt this can signify that you have low self-esteem, and you don’t hold yourself in high regard.

When you dream of your appearance and you look good and neat this can signify you think highly of yourself and you are very confident.


When you dream of your appendix this can signify that there is trouble brewing from a situation you do not want to address. Maybe you believe the situation will blow over with time instead it keeps on building up steam.

When you dream of having appendicitis this can signify that you have repressed emotions and you need to let things out, you need to reconcile with the parties you have feelings for or against.


When you dream of having an appetite this can signify your feelings of unfulfillment. You must be feeling you can give more to a situation or to achieve a goal.

Also, if in the dream you feel you need to quench a thirst or hunger, then this can signify you have repressed sexual needs


When you dream of hearing applause this can signify that you yearn for clout and recognition for a feat you must have performed in real life.

When you dream of applauding another person this can signify you need to show more humility by allowing others to take the praise  instead of yourself

Apple Tree

When you dream of an apple tree this can signify your feeling of majesty. You must have achieved a marvelous feat and you are feeling on top of the world.


When you dream of apples growing on a tree this can signify your attainment of high intellect, understanding, and great wealth. Your future seems bright and filled with growth and rich rewards for the goals you achieve. 

When you have such dreams it is not uncommon for great challenges to follow. You are going to be tested, stay your course, and do not be deterred. 

When you dream of eating an apple this can signify your materialistic desire to enjoy life and live life to its fullest. It also connotes sexual pleasure and your need to express yourself sexually and derive sexual fulfillment.

When you dream of green apples this can signify your need to love and be loved. You might be developing feelings for someone or something but you are yet to understand how to express these feelings.

When you dream of rotten apples this can signify that your present course of action is not fruitful. YOu might not derive pleasure from your current job or life choices. You will need to refocus your attention on what gives you the greatest sense of joy and fulfillment

When you dream of picking apples this can signify that you are hard at work in real life and all your sacrifice and effort will pay off eventually.


When you dream of making apple sauce this can signify your acceptance of the method you express yourself sexually in real life.

When you dream of consuming apple sauce this indicates that you are a person of simple desires and it doesn’t take much to satisfy your curiosity.


When you dream of fixing an appliance this can signify the need to put in work on your relationship before it capsizes. There are areas in the relationship that need a tune-up, it will be vital to know what to work on. 

The appliance you dream of holds the meaning of the area you need to work on; so a good understanding of the significance of appliances in dreams is needed.


When you dream of filling application this can signify the need to equip yourself with some new skills. You lack the required skills and knowledge you need to be an expert in the field of work you are operating in.

If you can remember what position you were filling the application for it will give you a better understanding of what skill, or craft you need to learn in real life.


When you dream of going for an appointment this can signify that you are more hard-working and focused on achieving your goals in real life. 

When you dream of missing an appointment this can signify that you have let important opportunities slip by you because you didn’t take things seriously in life.


When you dream of being an apprentice this can signify the need to work harder and be more focused on your job before you are recognized for greatness amongst your peers.


When you dream of approaching something or someone this can signify the need for you to go on with your life and take on new challenges, meet new people, and not hold yourself back because of past failures.

When you dream of being approached by someone or something this can signify timidity. You might be too afraid to carry on new tasks because you allow the fear of the possibility of failure to hold you down.


When you dream that you are seeking approval from others this can signify the need for you to be more independent. You might depend on the consent of others too much. You seem to be a ‘people pleaser’ and this is to your detriment.

When you dream of the word ‘approved’ this can signify that your life choices are okay and are yielding positive results in real life.

When you dream of approving something, this signifies your will to become an influential person. Try mentoring someone close to you 


When you dream of apricots this can signify deception, confusion, and betrayal. There may be something in your life that is not clear, maybe you do not understand the consequences of some actions you are taking. Something just doesn’t feel right yet you believe you have no choice but to continue in the course of action you are in. 

When you dream of eating apricots this signifies a bad omen. You should consider it a warning of something bad about to happen. This can be in your place of business or your personal life. 


When you dream of April this can signify accomplishment and attainment of your goals. When you dream of April Fool’s Day this indicates that you have been behaving like a fool and you need to sharpen up.

Also, you could be dreaming of a person or a location called or referred to as April.


When you dream of an apron this can signify your commitment to focus your effort on a given task. It shows dedication to duty and sacrifice to attain a goal.

Also, this can signify the need to shroud your activities from others and work under the radar. 

When you dream of wearing an apron this can signify that you are in a vulnerable state in real life and people can take advantage of you.


When you dream of aquamarine this can signify craft, independence, fluidity, and accomplishment.

Your subconscious is sending messages to you to open up to new possibilities, be creative, and think out of the box to achieve answers to situations around you.


When you dream of an aquarium this can signify your feeling of being caged and that you are not able to achieve your full potential. This leads to depression and ultimately loss of confidence.

You need to build your confidence and rely more on your decision-making skills. You also need to pray and ask God for guidance and discernment. 


When you dream of being of the zodiac Aquarius this can signify independence, creativity, and confidence. You might be an optimist and always look at the good side of people. You might be too trusting but always focused on achieving tasks.

Also, this can signify your ability to be a crowd-pleaser and efficient manager of resources


When you dream of an aqueduct this can signify the spiritual road you are taking. 


When you dream of an arbiter this can signify your need for justice. You might be feeling unjustly done by and the feeling carries into your dreams.

Also, it can signify your feeling of superiority over others. You might feel the law applies to all others except you.


When you dream of an arc being drawn this can signify the presence of obstacles in your real life. These obstacles are hindering you from attaining the height of success you believe you should be operating at.


When you dream of being at an arcade this can signify you are hanging to old memories of good times. These memories must be of the good times you experienced. These memories allow you to reset yourself from the hassles of life.

Also, this dream can signify the manipulation of spirits working against your destiny. In this case, you will need prayers against such spirits.


When you dream of an arch this can signify you have those people who have your back in real life. You have good friends and family who are willing to stick their necks out for you.

When you dream of passing through an arch this can signify possible breakthroughs in your life.


When you dream of archeology this can signify your appreciation of the messages you receive from your ‘inner-man’.


When you dream of being an archeologist this can signify the need to derive wisdom from past experiences. This wisdom and understanding will aid you in achieving your set goals.


When you dream of an archbishop this can signify your feeling of being submissive to someone who is manipulating you. 

This can also be a spiritual attack on your destiny by the forces of evil. You will experience stagnation, poverty, and depression. You need to attack these spirits with prayers and abstinence from sin.


When you dream of an archery event this can signify your skill at goal setting and planning. This is a gift you should nurture.


When you dream of an architect this can signify you are working on a task in real life that will require your creativity and innovative skill.

When you dream of being an architect this signifies you are in charge of your destiny.


When you dream of being in the Arctic this can signify your feeling of loneliness. You might be an introvert and antisocial, or just do not know how to get along with others.

It can also signify your inability to agree with others and your staunch belief in your point of view. You might not budge to accommodate other people’s point of view on things.


When you dream of being in an arena this signifies the need for you to find a place, a situation where you can freely express yourself and feel the independence to be your true self.

You might need to create a podcast, or website, or create some sort of platform where you can be free to express your opinions and spread your message with no hindrance.


When you dream of being in an argument this can signify the internal strife you are going through, you are trying to resolve this strife so you can be more purposeful.

Remembering the full context of the dream will give you a better interpretation. The argument, and who you are arguing with all matter.

When you dream of hearing someone arguing this can signify your feelings of not being taken seriously. You might feel unappreciated and overlooked. You need to build your self-confidence and find an outlet for you to express yourself freely.


When you dream of argyle this can signify your way of thinking is very analytical and expansive. YOu do not leave any details out and you pay attention to details.

You are methodic and deliberate in your approach to things. You probably live according to a certain code, custom, or a set of beliefs and it will be hard to deter you from your ways.

Also, this can signify that you are a loner, your life is too routine and monotonous. Life to you seems on repeat, and your productivity is low. You probably need a change.

You might need a vacation, or a change in routine to get yourself out of the funk you are in.

To become more productive you need a change in stimulus and innovative thinking


When you dream of being of the  Aries zodiac sign, this can signify your leadership skills. You might be questioning your worth in real life and this message from your subconscious sets to reinforce your belief in yourself.

This dream can indicate success with hard work leading, and motivating others to achieve goals.

Also, this can signify that you are suffering from some type of mental situation.


When you dream of arithmetic this can signify a situation you are evaluating critically in real life. The situation holds critical meaning to your life and you are employing a methodical approach to evaluate it.

This is not a situation you want to leave to chance or act on your emotions, but you want to get it right because you believe the eventual result will be very profitable in the end. 

When you dream of being unable to solve an arithmetical equation this can signify your inability to handle some situation in real life. Your inability to solve it; even though you might have employed all the resources at your disposal, baffles you. 

You might need to employ a new approach or ask for help from others who were able to solve something like what you are going through


When you dream of an ark this can signify your feeling of protection, security, and belief that you are secure in your life at the moment. An ark is a symbol of hope and great joy.

Ark of the Covenant

When you dream of the Ark of the Covenant this signifies your faith and your spiritual strength lies in your faith in God


When you dream of your arm this can signify the need for you to reach out and help others. This will require you to reach into your benevolent side. You do not have to have all the money or resources in the world to help others, you just need a will to do it.

Also, this can signify the need for you to protect yourself from spiritual and physical attacks from the forces of evil. 

When you dream of your arm being injured this indicates that you are not able to attend to yourself. You might not be financially buoyant to take care of your needs and need the help of others.  It can also mean that you need help in your place of work with an assignment.

The right arm is associated with your adventurous nature and is considered to represent your masculine qualities while your left hand is associated with your left hand is associated with your benevolent side and represents your feminine characteristics.

When you dream that any of your arms are cut off this can signify that you are losing your virtue. You need both arms to maintain balance and losing an arm means you have lost your balance in life.

You might be struggling with your faith or a decision between good and bad.

When you dream of being responsible for amputating another person’s arm this can signify your resentment towards that person, and your pent-up anger that is getting to boiling point. You might be able to keep a lid on your anger but it is finding ways of expression in your dream. 

You will need to find a way to express your anger or let the person who is making you angry know how you feel.

When you dream of a person having more than 2 arms this can signify your ‘grown’ side. You are very open-minded and accepting of other people’s feelings and oddities.

Arm Wrestling

When you dream of arm wrestling this signifies that you need to be more involved in your issues instead of delegating to others. You might be losing touch with what is going on around you, and people are using this against you. You need to take charge and leadership in things that concern you.


When you dream of an Armadillo this signifies the need for boundaries. You need to create distance between yourself and some people or distance yourself from some situations. 

Also, this can signify that you are too dependent on others, and you need to start being self-dependent.


When you dream of Armaggedon this can signify depression. You might not see the light at the end of the tunnel and this is causing you to spiral out of control.

You might be going through some emotional trauma and it is not allowing you to concentrate on what is important.


When you dream of sitting in an armchair this signifies security, confidence, and ability to work at your fullest potential.

You must be in a position in which you feel secure and comfortable. It will be vital to further cement your position so that this moment of security lasts for a longer period.


When you dream of wearing armor this can signify your defensive system. Most of us have built a defense mechanism, a way to cope with the accusations and attacks we face in our daily lives. 

Some of these defensive mechanisms are potent enough to salvage our pride others are too weak that we begin to harbor negative feelings against those attacking us.

Also, this can signify our feelings of majesty, and invisibility because of what we have been able to accumulate around us.

Alternatively, it means that you are feeling invincible and superior.

When you dream of armor this can signify understanding your weakness. You see the need to be secure and you understand that you don’t have such security around you.

Armored Car

When you dream of driving an armored car this can signify your need for protection and your feelings of desperation because you feel you are failing in real life. YOu might feel you are not operating at your fullest potential, and have more to offer. 

Most people create a boundary against others when they feel they are not measuring up to standard. This is a way of building walls around themselves to feel secure in their emotions. And this is not always good.

Also, it can signify the need for financial discipline.

When you dream of the wheels of an armored car this can signify the friendly relationships you have in real life. It also signifies the phases of change you are going through in life. If the wheels are in perfect condition then it is a good dream with good outcomes in your life.


When you dream of an armory this can signify your need to protect someone or something. There might be someone you feel you need to stick up for in real life or a secret you feel you need to protect. Remembering the context of the entire dream will go a long way in understanding the meaning of the dream.

Also, this can signify your ability to remain in a battle you are facing in real life. You still have a lot left in the tank and you should not throw in the towel just yet.


When you dream of an armpit this can signify your closeness to others in a relationship or friendship. This represents your ‘laidback’ characteristic. In all your relationships you choose to show the ‘laidback’ side of you

Also, this can signify your feelings of pollution. You might feel someone is polluting your soul or messing up your relationship.

When you dream of smelling your armpit this can signify that you are making some life changes to adjust to current trends in your life.

This can also signify that you crave attention and acceptance within your sphere of friends.


When you dream of an army this can signify the forces of evil overpowering you and imposing their will over yours in real life. You might feel ‘legion’ fighting against all you do in real life. You will need to be more prayerful.

When you dream of being in the army this can signify your feeling of being secure. You now have backup and you have an army of your own to face any obstacle in life.


When you dream of certain smells or aromas this can signify past occurrences, there are things the aroma makes you remember. You can associate these past occurrences with certain aromas so when you are going through something in real life that triggers the memories of the past occurrences this in turn triggers the aromas in your dreams.

When you dream of an aroma you do not like this can signify conflict with a close confidant

Arranged Marriage

When you dream of being in an arranged marriage this can signify feelings of manipulation. You feel sucked into doing things you normally will not be involved in. 

You might feel you are being forced out of your comfort zone and feel apprehension to move forward with the present arrangement in real life.


When you dream of being arrested this can signify you are feeling guilty of something you have done in real life. You might be feeling you cannot move forward without addressing issues you feel guilty about doing.

Also, this signifies feelings of being held down and not able to accomplish things at your pace because of some force pegging you down.


When you dream of an arrow this can signify you’re goal oriented. You have set your target and aim to reach them at all costs.

When you dream of being shot by an arrow this can signify a spiritual attack against your destiny. This is a battle you will need to fight with prayers. It also signifies that your plans have hit an obstacle and you will suffer some kind of loss.

When you dream of a broken arrow this can signify loss and grief. You might be grieving from a broken relationship or friendship.

Also, this can signify a change in your life. You might have changed a course of action in pursuing a goal.

When you dream of a 2-headed arrow this can signify the need for analytical decision making. You have more than 1 option to choose from and you need to analyze all the options.

Also, an arrow symbolizes the penis in the ‘Freudian school of thought’ because arrows ‘penetrate’


When you dream of an arrowhead this can signify focus and determination in achieving set goals. You must be goal-oriented, so the need for a plan is always vital for you.

When you dream of a broken arrowhead this can signify loss and failure in reaching your goals. This mainly is not because of a lack of effort but because of a lack of focus.

When you dream of finding arrowheads this can signify the goals and plans you never implemented. These are the plans and ideas you abandoned at the infancy stage or plans you began to implement but abandoned before they got to the completion stage.


When you dream of arson this signifies anger you have in you that you have repressed for a long time. This is not good for you. It is always good to express your anger in a way.

Repressed anger becomes hate, hate becomes malice, and malice; when acted out, becomes sin.

This leads to a path of destruction so you will need to let go of your anger and forgive.

Art Class

When you dream of being in an art class this can signify the need for you to be more creative in your expressions. There is a need for your creative side to find expression in what you do and how you conduct your daily affairs.

Art Gallery

When you dream of being in an art gallery this signifies memories you have had. At the moment your memories of past events are being triggered by something you are going through.

You will need to face the cause of this past trauma and heal from its hold on you.

Also, this can signify the need to hold some precious memories to heart.

Art Supply

When you dream of art supplies this can signify your need to express your creative side for all to appreciate in real life. 

This can be your subconscious telling you to deviate your attention to something more artistic. Try to remember the entire context of the dream so that you get a better understanding of the message.


When you dream of arteries this can signify your methodology in touching other people’s lives.

When you dream of a blocked artery this can signify your repression of some aspects of your character to the point it is not allowing you to express yourself fluently.

When you dream of your arteries cut this can signify your lack of knowledge. In this case, you might need to learn a bit more about life.


When you dream of being afflicted with Arthritis this can signify obstacles in attaining your destiny and set goals.

You procrastinate a lot and fail at duties assigned to you (not because you do not know how to do it but because you don’t want to). You are lazy and never motivated to achieve goals.

Also, this can signify your reluctance to change your ways.


When you dream of consuming an artichoke this can signify the need to investigate a matter further. You have the innate skills to analyze and make sound decisions based on little or no clues.


When you dream of an artifact this can signify a part of your past that you have not grown over yet. You might still be clinging to characters and things that defined you in the past.

Most of us have memories of that past we cling unto, other times we have behaviors that characterize us then some hang on to teachings of wisdom we received from our parents that we carry unto parenthood.

Also, this can signify your inability to let go of a past relationship in which you felt appreciated.


When you dream of being an artist painting pictures this can signify how creative and innovative you are. Try to remember every detail of the dream especially what is being painted in the dream as this holds the key to interpreting what your ‘inner man or woman’ is trying to reveal to you.


When you dream of purchasing artwork this can signify your ability to work hard and focus on tasks assigned to you but it also signifies your lack of leadership skills.

When you dream of selling artwork this can signify your fluidity in expressing yourself to others and make others understand your point of view.


When you dream of being exposed to asbestos this can signify you have repressed so much anger in you in real life and you are about to burst out in rage. This is not good as this anger turns to rage, rage turns to sin when you act on it. We have to learn to forgive and heal.

Also, this can signify secrets that are being kept from you.

When you dream of removing asbestos this can signify the remorse you are feeling in real life for a bad thing you did in the past.


When you dream of something ascending this can signify your heightened level of understanding of life.

Also, this can signify your plans to achieve success. This is also another word for ‘moving up’.

Ash Tree

When you dream of an ash tree this signifies your feelings of being secure in your real life. You may have a great job or you are in a fruitful relationship that is satisfying and you feel secure in it.

Also, this can signify that someone you respect and feel safe with is trying to associate with you. 

Also, the ash tree is used as a joke to depict ‘ashes’, and is used to relate to things in your past.


When you dream of ashes this can signify your feelings of depression, regrets, and lost chances. You might feel things are over, you have lost wonderful opportunities. This leads to depression and sin.

Ashes are used as a metaphor to describe the end of a thing in conversations. 

Also, this can signify you rely too much on memories of the past to comfort your present emotional state in real life.

When you dream of cleaning ashes in a fireplace this can signify you are feeling unfulfilled in your routine jobs and tasks. You might need a break from your routine to reevaluate your life.


When you dream of being in an ashram this can signify your need for spiritual revival. Your spiritual life has taken a back seat to the realities of life and you need to revisit the state of your spirituality and attain the balance spirituality brings to your life.


When you dream of using an ashtray this can signify your attempts to rid yourself of the memories of your past. These memories must be of things that trigger a character in you that you are trying to bury. 

Ashtrays can be used as a metaphor for broken relationships.

Also, this can signify your reluctance to end habits you believe are harmful to your health in real life.


When you dream of being in Asia this can signify your anxieties in adjusting to your current realities. 

When you dream of taking a trip to Asia this can signify your apprehensions about traveling to Asia

When you dream of an Asia person this can signify a side of you that you never knew existed. If the person you dream of is an old person this can signify your attainment of wisdom and understanding.


When you dream of asking a person out on a date this can signify your feelings of nervousness and doubt. You can consider the dream as a ‘practice’  to prepare you for the real thing.


When you dream of an Asp this can signify curses, bad luck, loss, and even death. 


When you dream of asparagus this can signify success and breakthroughs

When you dream of eating asparagus this can signify loss and failure in your plans


When you dream of an aspen this signifies your feelings of being alone.


When you dream of being asphyxiated this can signify manipulation and loss of control of your life. You might believe that others have more influence on your decisions than you do. You might be feeling pressured to make decisions you rather not make. 

This is akin to feeling trapped in a situation or relationship. YOu better face the situation and get free of its hold over you.


When you dream of an ass this can signify ignorance and the inability to comprehend happenings around you in real life. 

This can also signify the many hindrances that will come your way.

When you dream of an ass carrying heavy items this can signify your need to continue to focus and work hard on your goals as success is guaranteed in your place of work and your personal life.


When you dream of being assassinated this can signify that you are in a situation you need to turn away from or in a relationship you need to terminate before it is too late and you end up regretting it in real life.

When you dream of being a witness of an assassination this can signify your need to pay attention to details. You should never take anything for granted and always be on the alert for the minutest changes.

And if the person assassinated in your dream happens to be an important politician this can signify that you do not have a support system to back you up.

When you dream of being an assassin this can signify your attempts to bury a characteristic of yours. This mainly pertains to habits and relationships.


When you dream of being assaulted this can signify your feelings of weakness and inability to defend yourself from physical and spiritual attacks.

Spiritually, such dreams are attacks of evil forces against your destiny. These curses and attacks need to be neutralized with prayers. It will be pertinent to heighten your prayer sessions.

When you dream of being sexually assaulted this can signify manipulation of your destiny by evil forces. You feel helpless in this assault and you are being controlled and manipulated to perform acts you wouldn’t partake in normally.


When you dream of attending an assembly this can signify your ability to assimilate and integrate seamlessly in your new surroundings. This can be in a new workplace or a new relationship in your personal life.


When you dream of assisting someone this can signify that you need to help that person in real life. The support can be financial, emotional, or physical.

When you dream of being assisted this can signify that you depend on others too much


When you dream of an asteroid this can be a spiritual message that will impact your life greatly. Prepare yourself for major changes in your life.

Also, this can signify that you are about to be exposed to some earth-shaking revelation that will impact a lot of people. 

When you dream of an asteroid hitting Earth this can signify your ideas are losing relevance and you are losing the zeal you once had to actualize your ideas.


When you dream of asters this can signify happiness, fulfillment, and your aspirations in real life.


When you dream of having asthma; even though you do not have it in real life, this can signify your worries and apprehensions in life. You might be going through a stressful time at work or in your personal life and you are anxious about where your present state of mind will lead.

Also, this can signify the need for you to take a break from it all and relax.

When you dream of having asthma and you do have it in real life, this can signify your apprehension and worries about your health in real life.

Astral Projection

When you dream of astral projections this means you are beginning to think out of the box. You are approaching things from a different angle.

Also, this can signify that you are a loner and prefer being a recluse rather than socializing with those around you.


When you dream of astrology this can signify anxiety over your future, You might be looking for a purpose to your life or meaning to what is going on in your life.

The entire context of such dreams is important, so do try to remember as much detail as you can from the dream for a complete interpretation.


When you dream of being an astronaut this can signify that you are searching for more information and gathering more knowledge and understanding of how things work around you.

You can make more informed decisions and have more productive results. 

Also, this can signify your determination to succeed and your undeterred focus to achieve your goals. This can also indicate that you lack communication skills.


When you dream of being an astronomer this can signify your approach to attaining your goals. You might be slow but you are calculating and analytical, you approach everything with a purpose. Your method; even though slow, is sure to achieve your set goals because you can cover all angles.


When you dream of an aswang this can signify a spiritual attack on your destiny by the forces of evil. This is an assault on your destiny and should not be taken lightly.

When you dream of being an aswang this can signify your manipulating nature, you have no scruples and use other people to get what you need done, no matter what it takes.


When you dream of being in an asylum this can signify anguish and mental problems. You might be going through strenuous times at the workplace or in your personal life and your soul is crying out for help.

You should seek assistance from others, especially your support group.


When you dream of being an athlete this can signify exhaustion from trying too hard in life. You push yourself too much, almost to the brink of total collapse. You need to take a break and reconfigure yourself.

When you dream of famous athletes this can signify your lofty aspirations for success and recognition for your efforts.

Athletic Field

When you dream of being on an athletic field this can signify the obstacles in your path to success. These obstacles can be spiritually induced or man-made. Spiritual obstacles come in the form of curses and attacks by evil spirits and can be fought off with prayers. 

This can also signify your fighting spirit. You are not easily overcome by fear and hurdles in life. You are a fighter and will give these challenges a run for their money.


When you dream of an atlas this can signify your appreciation for everything that comes your way. You do not take anything for granted and always have a plan to achieve your goals and aspirations.

ATM Machine

When you dream of an ATM this can signify your need for financial fulfillment. You might be anxious about your financial situation and the dream is your ‘inner man or woman’ trying to reassure you of financial success. You might also be pursuing your aspirations for financial autonomy by starting a business of your own and are anxious about what your financial status will be.

When you dream of withdrawing money from an ATM this can signify you are wasting too much time and effort on a lost cause. This might be about a goal, job, or relationship.

When you dream of depositing money into an ATM this can signify the time and effort you are putting into achieving a set goal.

When you dream of an ATM giving you money this can signify self-entitlement issues you have. You think too highly of yourself.

When you dream that an ATM is spewing out other substances other than money then this can signify your anxiety over your financial status. You might be overspending and not making much in profits.


When you dream of an atom this can signify your deep reservoir of intellectual thinking and wisdom. Never look down on your talents and abilities, you need to build your confidence and look forward with much optimism.

To see an atom in your dream symbolizes unlimited potential. Do not underestimate yourself or others.

Also, this can be a nickname for a person called Adam.


When you dream of attacking a person this can signify your repressed anger and feelings of being restricted.

You might feel you are being underestimated and wrongfully treated and your dream is an outlet to let off steam.

When you dream of being attacked by a person this can signify your feelings that your character is being assassinated in real life. You feel wrongfully accused and assaulted. 

This dream may signify your feelings of frustration and stress of always having to defend yourself and your actions. You hardly feel appreciated rather you feel ridiculed and cast aside.

When you dream of being attacked by an animal this can signify caution. You need to be careful and watch your back, especially around people who call themselves your friends. 

When you dream of killing an animal that attacked you this can signify manipulation of your spirit. You are being manipulated spiritually by the forces you cannot comprehend, and this manipulation is making you do things you normally will not do. You are acting out of character.


When you dream of an attic this can signify your repressed memories and  past experiences you thought you had forgotten but are being revealed to you 

Also, this can indicate obstacles in your real life that may block your path to success. It will take a lot of hard work and effort for you to succeed

When you dream of a disorganized attic this can signify the need to get your thoughts in check and alignment with your purpose in life.


When you dream of an attorney this can signify our need for help and assistance in directing you on some issues you are going through in real life.


When you dream of riding on an ATV this can signify the need to realign your plans to attain goals and aspirations in life. The current path you are on is proving long and unfulfilling.

Also, this can signify you want to create your opportunities and take your destiny into your own hands instead of relying on others.

Also, this can signify your need for some peace to reflect on your life and find some peace.


When you dream of an auction this can signify your lack of appreciation for something or someone in your life.

To dream that you are at an auction indicates that you may be undervaluing or overvaluing something or some relationship. It may also mean that you have learned from your past experiences and are ready to move on. 

To dream that someone outbid you in an auction suggests that you are being denied something that you have earned.

You might underestimate the value of the person or thing and your subconscious is calling your attention to this grave misnormal.


When you dream of being the center of attention of an audience this can signify your perception of how people perceive you and are paying close attention to everything you do.

Also, this can signify your anxiety about having your secrets revealed in real life. 

When you dream of not having an audience this can signify your feeling of being undervalued and ignored in real life. You might feel as if you are not being taken seriously

When you dream of being the only person in the audience this can signify some understanding, or level of enlightenment that is meant for only you. 


When you dream of being at an audition this can signify anxiety in real life. You do not feel secure in your current state of affairs. It might be hard to express yourself or make others understand your point of view.


When you dream of being in an auditorium this can signify your humility in learning from others. You have no problem with learning from others.


When you dream of an auger this can signify the need for hard work, steady focus, and effort you need to put into your actions to achieve your aspirations in life.

Also, this can be related to sexual tensions.


When you dream of August this can signify the presence of confusion and tension in your place of business or your personal life.


When you dream of your aunt this can signify your appreciation for family ties and traditions.

Also, the particular Aunt in your dream can hold a profound amount of respect in your life. She might also hold a place in your heart as a mother


When you dream of an aura around you this can signify the need for you to pay attention to your surroundings. Messages are being relayed to you in your dreams but it seems you are not understanding them..

Aurora Borealis

When you dream of an aurora borealis this can signify reawakening, newness, a bright new beginning. It represents clarity of mind and positive outcomes. Cleanness of spirit and new purpose.

This also signifies laziness and lack of ambition. You are blessed but need to do some work to make yourself prepared for greatness but you are too lazy and lack the ambition to do the same.


When you dream of being in Australia this signifies confusion in your life. You might be going through some issues and have a decision to make but you are confused as you have many options to choose from.

Australia is referred to as ‘the land down under’ this can be a  metaphor for innovative thinking


When you dream of an author this can signify how busy your mind is at finishing some story or article you are working on in real life.

When you dream of being an author this can signify the need for you to express your thoughts and ideas to a larger audience.


When you dream of someone suffering from autism this can signify your lack of communication skills. You find it hard to express yourself to others or have others understand you.

If you are acquainted with a person who is autistic then this dream can just be a projection of how you feel about the person.


When you dream of asking for an autograph this can signify you want to be the person whose autograph you are asking for.

These are certain qualities and attributes of the person you admire in real life and this is projected through your dreams.

When you dream of being asked for an autograph this can signify you agree with the person you dream of giving the autograph to.


When you dream of autumn this can signify the ups and downs you are experiencing in real life. You might feel that the doors of some opportunities are shutting in your ace while some others are opening.

Also, this can signify a period of abundance in your life. You must have worked so hard and focused so much on attaining your goals and right now it has begun to deliver fruitfully.


When you dream of an autopsy this can signify you care less about the consequences of your actions. You need to be careful because you might upset the wrong people, people who can and will deal with you without remorse.



When you dream of an avalanche this can signify unrestraint in expressing your emotions. You wear your emotions on your sleeves. YOu are passionate and you do not hold back in expressing yourself and your emotions. While this might be good it also has its negative sides.

Also, this can signify the amount of stress you are going through in real life.


When you dream of an avatar this can signify falsehood. You do not want anyone to discover the real you. You prefer people to see what you want them to see.


When you dream of being in an aviary this can signify your feelings of confinement. You are not able to express yourself freely


When you dream of eating an avocado this can signify sexual desire and lustful intents.

Also, this can represent abundance and luxury

When you dream of an avocado tree this can signify great rewards after you put in the necessary focus and effort into achieving your goals and aspirations.


When you dream of avoiding someone in your dream this can signify your refusal to recognize a side of yourself. You might not like certain aspects of your character and in a bid not to feel guilty about this, you try to live in denial.

Also, this dream may depict ‘a void’ in your life you need to fill.


When you awaken in your dream this can signify spiritual growth, or reconnect with your spirituality. You are ready to approach life with new vigor and a source of strength and inspiration.

When you awaken someone in your dream this can signify your recognition of certain aspects of that person in you.


When you dream of having an awakening this can signify newness in your life. You must be experiencing some sort of revival in your personal life or business life. You are operating with newfound zeal and energy.

Also, this can signify spiritual connotations


When you dream of receiving an award this can signify your need for recognition of the effort you put into attaining a goal. You must have worked hard to achieve something and now that it has reached fruition you want to be recognized and appreciated for the effort you put in.

When you dream of not winning an award this can signify you feel ignored and unappreciated.


When you dream of an ax this can signify your controlling nature. You might feel you must always dominate and lord over others.

While this can be considered leadership quality, it is destructive and manipulative and this is a quality that has the potential of tearing an organization apart.

Also, such dreams can be used as a metaphor in creative ways; such as, ‘Having an ax to grind’ – having a disagreement with a person, and ‘burying the ax’- reconciling with a person.

When you dream you are chopping wood with an ax this can signify your need to break down big issues you are going through into smaller ones that you can handle bit by bit.

Also, this can signify your source of strength is diminishing in influence over you.


When you dream of an axle this signifies that your life might be spiraling out of control. You need to focus and realign your ideas and thoughts with your plans so you can achieve your goals.

When you dream of having a damaged axle this can signify a lack of confidence and low self-esteem. You cannot operate normally in real life and need to seek help from others all the time


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