Dreams A-Z Dream Dictionary: Comprehensive Guide
Welcome to my Dreams A-Z Dream Dictionary. Explore the meanings behind your dreams with our comprehensive A-Z Dream Dictionary. Decode the symbolism, uncover hidden messages, and gain insights into your subconscious mind with our easy-to-use guide to dream interpretation
Dreams A-Z Dream Dictionary
Anytime the letter ‘A’ appears in your dream, this signifies your ascendance to a new level in life. It can also indicate the initials of the name of a person you know.
Whenever you see an Aardvark in your dream it signifies the need to be cautious about your plan and keep the details of whatever you are currently doing to yourself.
When you have dreams of an abacus this signifies that you are using old methods to solve issues you currently face.
When you have a dream of an Abalone, it signifies the need that you are emotionally disturbed and you need to seek healing. It might also signify the need for companionship
Having dreams of abandonment signifies the need to begin on a new spiritual level. You are ready to take on new challenges and the devil is attacking you to make you afraid on this journey of spiritual enlightenment.
When you dream of an Abbey it signifies that you are getting spiritual fulfilment in your faith in God. When you have a dream of an Abbey that is destroyed, this signifies that your faith in God is on shaky ground. Also, it signifies procrastination in all you do.
When you have a dream of an Abbot, this signifies that a personality has control over your destiny. You feel caged, and not able to reach your full potential because of forces you believe have dominion over you
When you dream about abbreviations this signifies somebody’s initials.
When you dream about an abdomen this signifies your need to react to a situation in your life. You might be feeling held down by someone or something and feel you need to say something or do something about it
To dream of being abducted indicates that you are being manipulated by your circumstances or by someone. You lack control of your own life.
Spiritually, when you dream of an abduction this may signify that your destiny has been hijacked, and evil forces are controlling you to carry out sinful acts.
When you dream about abhorring someone, this signifies that you do not like the person or there are certain characteristics in a person you do not like.
Also, when you dream of abhorring a person this can signify your need to make others notice you because you feel unappreciated by that person.
When you dream of anything abnormal, this could signify that your situation is about to change. Whether the change is for good or bad will depend on the entire context of the dream.
Either bad or good, the dream indicates that something in your life that has been on your mind will change very soon.
When you dream of an Aborigine this signifies your need to be more controlled and disciplined of your emotions, and feelings. Your outspokenness is harming you and making others view you negatively.
When you dream of an abortion this may signify that you are the cause you are not experiencing breakthroughs and success with your destiny. You might be involving yourself in sinful acts that hinder God’s blessings from impacting your life and changing your financial status
Also, you might be having this dream because you are thinking of having an abortion or participating (in a way) in an abortion.
When you dream of another person having an abortion this signifies that the person is not growing spiritually and financially. You can advise the person to be more prayerful and more in tune with spirituality
When you dream of an abortion and the abortion leads to your death this could signify that you the force of evil are planning a situation in which you could lose your life once you fall victim to their plans
When you dream of something high up this signifies you need to set higher goals in your life. You are more than what you think you are and need to build your confidence and faith in God because you can operate on a higher level than you are now
Abraham Lincoln
When you dream of Abraham Lincoln this signifies that you have leadership abilities. You are a person who can be trusted and depended on to deliver on said promises. You are honest, and your character can be vouched for.
When you dream of traveling abroad, this can signify the need for change in your life. It can also indicate your need to change location because you have become too comfortable where you currently are.
When you dream of traveling abroad this can also signify that you need to begin thinking out of the box,
When you dream of meeting a person’s absence when you expect to find the person this signifies that the person you are dreaming about no longer considers you a close confidant and you should likely put that person in your past; in real life.
When you dream of abscess this may signify you have an opinion on a subject and you feel you need to share it with others. This dream might mean you are an introvert and find it hard to express yourself to others.
To dream that you absconded with an item signifies failure. You might have a low opinion of yourself and your capabilities because of your past failures.
You will need to build your confidence and pray harder. Always remind yourself that you are a child of God and all the goodness of heaven is at your disposal.
When you have dreams of being absorbed in a job or activity this may signify that you are too concentrated in your job to the point that you are keeping people away from you.
When you dream of abstinence from any vice or immorality this signifies your belief in the word of God. You can express your faith even in your dream.
When you dream of the abundance of anything this may signify that you need to be careful of your finances and save as much as you can for an opportunity that is coming your way.
This dream indicates a huge opportunity is coming your way. You need to prepare, and save money, time, and energy; so that when the opportunity comes by, you can take advantage of it.
When you dream of abundance, always pray about it so that you do not miss the opportunity.
When you dream of abusing a person this signifies the consequence of actions you took in the past are acting against you now. This brings regret and anguish.
When you dream of someone abusing you this signifies that the person you are dreaming of is doing something against you in real life. You need to be cautious of that person and everything the person is doing.
When you have a dream of a child being abused this signifies a childhood memory that causes you pain and anguish. This is a memory of something that you need to face and end its hold over you.
When you dream of an abyss this can be interpreted as your fear of the future because you are not sure about your ability to handle the unknown.
When you dream of falling into the abyss this signifies your feelings of losing control of your present situation.
It is important to know that God is always looking out for you, and you are never alone.
When you dream of an acacia Tree this signifies Your faith in God. You are strong in your faith; you do not lose faith easily.
When you dream of an academy this can signify your need for companionship. It also can signify your need for a preference for teamwork.
Academy Awards
When you dream of the Academy Awards this can signify that you are on the path to being celebrated. There might be a project you are working on that will soon bring you recognition and glory.
When you dream of an accelerator this can signify that you will succeed in your current venture without the help of anyone. Your reliance on God and your faith will see you through. There will be no need for a helper for the project to be successful.
When you dream of your leg easing off the accelerator this could signify you might need to hold on a minute and reflect on your current course of action. There might be something you missed or haven’t taken into full consideration.
When you dream of the accelerator malfunctioning, this can signify that you need to gain control of your destiny again as you have lost focus and the path you are taking will lead you to destruction.
When you dream of speaking with a different accent this can signify your inability to communicate clearly with others. You do not have confidence that you are being taken seriously.
In this case, you will need to build your confidence. Pray in the Spirit for the help of the Holy Spirit; to help you communicate clearly.
When you dream of acceptance this signifies that you do not have confidence in yourself and in your capabilities to handle issues on your strength.
Dreaming of accessories can signify that you are materialistic and believe in adding too much artificial flair to yourself for people to take you seriously.
When you dream of accidents this signifies your need to be careful with your current course of action as some are planning evil for you.
This can also convey feelings of guilt because you did something you are not proud of.
When you dream of having an accident this signifies spiritually that you are headed into the trap of evil forces. You will need to slow down your activities and reflect on your present course of action.
You will need to pray to God to reveal the plans of the demon against your life and the works of your hand.
When you dream of a close confidant involved in an accident and that person dies in the dream, this may signify a warning of imminent danger to the life of that person. It will be important to share your dream with the person and aid them in prayers against any impending danger
When you dream of being an accomplice to a crime this can signify you have ‘bad influences’ in your life. These people are in your life to get you in trouble, it will be best to do away with them.
When you dream of hearing music being played on an accordion this may signify situations in your life that cause you grief and sadness.
When you dream of playing the accordion this can be interpreted as your feeling of sadness and depression.
Build your self-confidence, and face the things you feel guilty about doing in your life. You need to forgive yourself and pray for God’s forgiveness
When you dream of being an accountant this may signify that you take your time when you study issues surrounding you. This indicates that you make informed decisions or might be too cautious to the point you lose opportunities.
When you dream of about bank accounts it may signify that you are concerned about your financial state in real life.
When you dream of being accused of doing something this may signify your feelings of guilt.
This can also signify that you are not sure if the recent decisions you made are right for you. In all, you will need prayers to rectify the wrong you might have made
When you dream of the ace card in a deck of cards this may signify a lack of clarity in your decision making. Any decision you make turns out negative because you didn’t have the right information at the time.
When you dream of the ace of spades this may signify that you will get caught up in a situation that will cause you humiliation.
When you dream of the ace of hearts, this may signify a love affair in your life.
When you dream of the ace of diamonds this signifies something to do with your destiny
When you dream of the ace of clubs this may signify that you are in a situation that will be resolved legally.
When you dream of aches, this may signify procrastination in pursuing a goal or plan. This isn’t good because whenever you practice procrastination there is a high degree of probability that you will lose the opportunity to achieve that goal.
When you dream of having achieved something this can signify that you are happy with the way your plan is going. This means you need to give God praise for his help and protection over you.
When you dream of acid this may signify deep feelings of anger, and loathing. This is the opening the devil is looking for. When you harbor hate in your life it diminishes you because you waste energy and resources to nourish that hatred instead of using your time and resources to focus on your life and achieving greater heights.
You should learn to be forgiving and move on with your life. Our Lord Jesus was sacrificed for our sins. God forgave us of our sins even before we were born (as long as we are born again), why can’t we forgive others who trespass against us?
When you dream of an acorn this signifies most of your businesses will start small but will grow bigger than you imagine. The Bible tells us not to despise the little beginnings. This word applies to you! Whatever plan you nurture from little beginnings will become a huge success in a little while.
Also, this dream can signify that your financial level is about to change for the better
When you dream of eating acorns or picking acorns from the ground, this can signify that you will soon be eating from the fruits of your labor.
When you dream of plucking acorns from a tree this signifies that you inspire other people close to you
When you dream of an acquaintance this signifies that you just discovered new characteristics about yourself. Most of us do not know the extent of what we can do until we are tested with poverty and wealth. At those points we meet a new ‘us’ and it will be really interesting to see how we act when tested.
When you dream that you are arguing with an acquaintance this can signify that you are not in alignment with the new ‘you’ you have discovered. You are not happy with certain aspects of your character.
When you dream of being acquitted of a charge in court this can signify lessons you need to learn in life.
When you dream of others being acquitted in court this can signify that you need to take a moment to evaluate your life and begin to prioritize what is important to you.
When you dream of acrobats this can signify the need to evaluate your life. Things have gone out of hand and there is the need to check how to get yourself back on track and focus on what is important.
Also, this can symbolize sex. Dreams of sex are initiation dreams and you will need to rebuke such demons in your life.
Acrylic Nails
When you dream of fake nails this can signify your hypocrisy towards others. I liken this to being a sycophant. When you are in a relationship that benefits just you, and you do not care what happens to others.
This is indeed a bad attitude because as a child of God, you are a ’keg of value’. All your interactions with others are supposed to leave them better off than you met them.
When you dream of acting this can signify deception. If you are the one acting then you are trying to deceive someone in real life.
Action Figure
When you dream of playing with an action figure it can signify that evil forces are controlling your destiny. You are being strung along like a puppet in real life.
Also, it can indicate that you are easy to manipulate and defer to other people’s authority without putting up a fight or sticking up for yourself.
This attitude will not allow you to achieve much in your life because you will always be playing to the tune of others, and helping others achieve their own goals and visions.
When you dream of an actor or actress this can signify you don’t want to come to terms with your reality rather you prefer indulging yourself in other people’s reality
Alternatively, this can signify your need to copy some characteristics of the actor or actress you are dreaming of and incorporate such characteristics into yourself
When you dream of having an acupuncture this signifies that you need healing. It can be physical or emotional or a little bit of both.
Adam and Eve
If you are a man and you dream of Adam and Eve this signifies that you do not take advantage of your feminine side. And, if you are a woman and have a dream of Adam and Eve this signifies that you do not take advantage of your masculine side.
When you dream of being adamant this signifies you will be denied a chance of success if you do not act fast.
When you dream of an adder this signifies that you have a deceitful person among your close confidants. There is the possibility of betrayal from this person.
Alternatively, this indicates that an opportunity for success has slipped from your grasp.
When you dream of being an addict this can signify that you are being manipulated, and the forces of evil can control you. You need to build your self-esteem and confidence. You need to engage in prayers and fasting. Ask the Holy Ghost to help in prayers.
When you dream of having an addiction this signifies that you are in total control of the devil. You are being used; with your knowledge, to do evil things to people. This starts with an initiation into an occultic group.
Your initiation might not be with your permission but when you do nothing about it, you begin to rely on the power of the occult.
When you dream of your old address, this signifies something in your past you need to face and resolve. When you dream of a new address this can signify you need to change your present situation. It might be related to your place of work or your personal life.
When you dream that you are addressing an envelope this signifies that you are in the process of making a decision that will impact your life in a big way. You will need to take time to evaluate your options and choose the best path for yourself
When you dream of being an Admiral this signifies your confidence in yourself. You have the personality of authority and you do not shy away from giving orders or taking responsibility.
When you dream of admiring a person this signifies that you recognize some characteristic traits you would want to imbibe in yourself
When you dream of admiring yourself this signifies that you are of low self-esteem and need the praise of others to feel accomplished.
When you dream of adobe structures this signifies safety. You feel safe in your present situation. This might be related to your personal life job security, or your business endeavors
When you have dreams of adopting a child this can signify your need to bring in something in your life to fill a void.
It will be advisable for you to evaluate your life and see what is missing, if you are married and are childless you might seek to adopt a child or anything that makes you happy and fulfilled.
When you dream of being adopted this can signify your wanting to express your ‘inner child’
When you dream of adopting a dog this can signify your need for a long and faithful relationship. When you dream of adopting a cat this can signify your acceptance of your new-found freedom
When you dream of seeking adulation this could mean you will fail in a position of power and authority because of your ego. You will need to pray to God for humility and learn how to work with people instead of through them.
When you dream of giving others adulation this can signify your willingness to give away something important to you in exchange for material wealth and position.
If you are a kid and you are dreaming of being an adult this can signify your immaturity in dealing with issues around you. You need to learn discipline and listen to others.
When you dream of committing adultery this signifies your need to express yourself sexually.
It can also signify guilt of having had or being involved in an affair. This indicates betrayal and sin against your marriage vows.
When you dream of your spouse having an affair this signifies your lack of trust in your marriage. There might be signs you have seen in real life, and those signs project themselves into your dreams.
Also, having dreams of adultery can indicate your lack of attention in your marriage
When you dream of advancing in your life this signifies you will be celebrated in your real life. You will need to be hard-working and focused. God always takes care of his children as long as we are faithful to him.
When you dream of others advancing this signifies that you are constantly comparing yourself with others. You will need to stop and concentrate on your situation.
When you dream of being an adventurer this can signify your lack of commitment to a relationship. You are too independent to be tied down.
Also, this can indicate that you live a boring, and uneventful life. You might need to look for new vocations and friends. Involve yourself with activities in your local church.
When you dream of a person being adversarial towards you this might signify a struggle or bad situation you are facing.
Spiritually, this signifies the forces of evil trying to hinder your breakthrough
When you dream of being victorious over the adversarial person this signifies that you have won a great victory over the forces of evil.
When you dream of meeting adversity this signifies hinderance in your real life. There are forces of evil that are hindering your progress, and success.
When you dream of another person meeting adversity this can signify your ability to comfort others in their times of need.
When you dream of watching an advertisement this signifies the need to face a problem you have been ignoring. It is never advisable to leave situations unresolved.
It is important to understand the context of the advertisement because it will convey to you what you need to address in your life.
When you dream of watching an advertisement of someone you know this can signify that the person you are dreaming of needs help.
When you dream of getting advice this signifies your need for further consultation concerning an issue you are facing.
When you dream of advising someone this signifies that you have value to impart to others.
When you dream of being an advocate this signifies that you are an honest and dutiful person. You are faithful and can be trusted. This can be in relationships, place of work
When you dream of performing aerobics this signifies that you feel you need to exercise often
When you dream of an aerosol can this can signify you are burdened by issues. You need to take a step back and let things fall in place without any effort.
When you dream of showing affection to another person this signifies that you are in a loving and satisfying relationship. It can also indicate that you are not being affectionate to those around you as you should be.
When you dream about affection this can signify that you lack affection in your life. It will be good to know that God loves and cherishes you.
When you dream of the afterlife this can signify dissatisfaction with your real life. You are not content with how life has turned out for you and you yearn for a new reality.
When you dream of the afternoon this can signify that you believe you are not using your work time well. Also, it ca signify understanding what path you need to take to get a task done.
When you dream you are being afflicted can signify danger in your life. Evil forces attack people in their dreams by afflicting them with sicknesses, deformities. You will have to rebuke the works of the devil and stand against those curses.
If you do not take appropriate action against such dreams it could lead to sorrow and even loss of life.
When you dream of affluence this signifies good fortune, The works of your hand is finally productive and you will reap bountifully.
It is important to understand that the devil will not be happy about this and will want to stand against you. So, when you dream of affluence, take time to pray and be cautious of the plans of the devil.
When you dream of being affronted this signifies that a close confidant is working against you and will soon backstab, and betray you. Your attitude towards your friends might be too trusting, you need to be careful of those close to you.
When you dream of Africa this can signify your need to get in touch with your heritage. If it so happens that you are planning a trip to Africa then the dream is just a reflection of your eagerness of the trip.
If you have been to Africa and you dream of it, this can signify your longing to go back there.
African American
When you dream of an African American this can signify the creative spirit in you. It can also signify aggression. The entire context of the dream will give you a better interpretation.
When you dream of sporting an Afro hairdo this signifies independence. You love your independence and freedom. This can be considered as self-serving by people around you.
When you dream of black agate this signifies prosperity, breakthrough. You will need to keep on working hard because you will reap bountifully.
When you dream of red agate this signifies harmony, strength and endurance.
When you dream of age this signifies your worry of getting older. It can also signify that you harbor regrets about decisions you made when you were younger.
When you dream that you are older than you truly are this signifies experience and knowledge. You should believe in yourself more and stop doubting the decisions you make because of your past mistakes.
Alternatively, this can be interpreted that you are one-track-minded and failing to take advice from others.
When you dream that you are younger than you are this signifies that you need to let loose a bit, enjoy what life has to offer, and stop being too serious in life.
When you dream of being aggressive this can signify your need for sexual release. It can also signify your battles in life with the obstacles you see ahead of you. It will be important to seek God’s guidance so you are engaging in the right battles and not wasting your energy on things that are not important
When you dream that you are in agony this signifies your doubt on decisions you have already made in real life. Regret is a way of holding onto the past, you will need to resolve this issue so that you can move forward with your life.
When you dream of having agoraphobia this signifies your need for secrecy in your affairs. You seem to be the type that loves working behind the scenes. You do not like the limelight and prefer others to take credit for work you have done.
This can be very detrimental because you leave yourself open for others to take advantage of you.
When you dream of an agreement this can signify the end of a battle, war, or disagreement.
Spiritually, this connotes initiation into the occult. When you sign an agreement in your dream this can be committing yourself to forces you know nothing about. So, getting a grasp of the entire context of the dream is important for a correct interpretation.
When you dream of suffering ague this can signify danger ahead of you. You need to be very careful with the people you call friends because they could lead you into trouble.
Ask God for discernment to know who to trust and what to do to keep you away from dangerous situations.
When you dream of having AIDS this signifies a curse from the devil. His is an affliction from the pit of hell and you need to resist it in prayers.
When you dream that your spouse has AIDS this signifies marital problems. You will need to attack the foundation of this evil in your marriage
When you dream of someone having AIDS this signifies a person you need to have empathy for. When someone is afflicted with curses, we do not drive them away from us, as Christians it is our duty to bring them closer to salvation and let God work in and through this person.
When you dream of taking aim os something this signifies your focus on something. You need to be more focused and dedicate all your attention to achieving this assignment.
When you dream of aiming a gun at a person this signifies your feelings of hatred towards that person, it can also be misdirected sexual desire towards that person.
When you dream of air this signifies your intellect and cleverness. When you dream of air and the air is cloudy, this signifies that you are not thinking clearly. There are emotional, situational obstacles that are blocking you from thinking clearly.
When you dream of feeling cold air this can signify danger in your business, place of work, or your personal life. There are issues that have been festering for a while and are about to haunt you. These issues can derail you from your current projects.
When you dream of breathing hot air this signifies the forces of evil have surrounded you and want to operate their evil plans against your destiny.
When you dream of walking on air this signifies your independence. You are a free spirit who doesn’t let the hassles of daily life bother you.
Whenever you concentrate on a task you achieve it. things come to you with relative ease. You are confident in yourself and in your ability to achieve your goals.
Alternatively, this might indicate that you are just high on your hype and deceiving yourself.
When you dream of being able to manipulate air this can signify your ability to show discipline with spoken words.
Air Conditioner
When you dream that the air conditioner is not operational this can signify you are inconvenienced by your present state. You are always in a state of anxiety and you are not able to be productive.
When you dream of feeling the breeze of the air conditioner this can signify the calmness of spirit.
Air Gun
When you dream of an air gun this can signify your anxiety over a threat to your life. When you have such a dream it will be vital to begin praying against evil attacks on you and your family.
Air Freshener
When you dream of smelling from an air freshener, this signifies your passion for the finer things in life.
When the smell from an air fresher is too pungent in your dream this signifies your mind is blurred and you are not thinking straight.
Air Force
When you dream of being in the Air Force this signifies your need for spiritual guidance. You need to grow spiritually and focus on disciplining your materialistic nature.
Air Hockey
When you dream of air hockey this signifies the need for you to hurry and take an opportunity presented to you before the chance slips away.
Air Horn
When you dream of hearing the sound of an air horn this can signify the unserious nature at which you take hindrances preventing your spiritual, and financial growth.
You need to be more prayerful and focus on achieving your set goal, do not compromise on any obstacle, God will always see you through.
Air Raid
When you dream of that you are caught in an air raid this can signify your loss of faith in yourself and the help of God in your life. You might feel as if the world is caving in on you and there is no help coming from anywhere.
Air Show
When you dream of being in an air show this signifies you’re being flamboyant with all you have accomplished. There is nothing bad about showing off only that it makes other people dislike you. Also, it pays to show humility in most cases
When you dream of an airbag being deployed this signifies a warning of bad situations to come your way. Any dream of a warning of impending danger should be taken seriously. It will be good to intensify prayers and be cautious of situations that make you stick out your neck unnecessary
Also, a dream of a deployed airbag can signify that you need help in real life with a situation you are going through.
Aircraft Carrier
When you dream of an aircraft carrier this signifies your readiness to face your emotional trauma. To see an aircraft carrier in your dream suggests that you are preparing to confront your emotions. This is a step in the right direction, facing emotions that have held you down is always a way to reconcile your past issues so you can move forward.
Air dancer
When you dream of an air dancer this signifies that someone in your life requires your attention.
Also, this can signify that you need to be more insistent that people take your point of view seriously.
When you dream of an airplane this can signify your victory over hindrances in your life. There are obstacles in your life that are delaying your success in achieving your goals, continue to focus on your goals, and you will overcome all obstacles.
Overcoming these obstacles will catapult you to a higher level in your life.
When you dream of an airplane taking off this signifies your proposal is about to ‘take off’.
This can also signify a need to stay away from work a bit and relax a bit.
When you dream of an airplane idling on the runway without taking off this signifies failure to kick-start your plan or proposal. It could be due to a lack of finance or any hindrance you find challenging to overcome.
When you dream of piloting an airplane this could signify your control over your destiny. You can accomplish your goals with little or no hindrance
When you dream of changing airplanes this can signify an important change in your life. This change, of handles well can propel you to a higher level in your life.
When you dream of missing a flight this can signify missed opportunities in your life. When this happens in real life you need to reassess your approach to opportunities as they present themselves.
Also, this can signify your feeling of betrayal in either your place of work or your personal life.
When you dream of a plane crash this signifies your lack of resources to achieve the height you aim for. Your set goals are too high to achieve because of your lack of commitment, resources, or conviction.
When you dream about an airplane being hijacked this signifies that evil forces are attempting to hijack your destiny.
When you have dreams of airplanes flying in uniformity this signifies you and your colleagues working together to achieve a common goal, you will be successful.
When you dream of an airplane landing this signifies that you have completed a task, or achieved a goal you had set.
When you dream of an airport this can signify either life or death. An airport can be seen as a holding area where people come (life) or go (death). Dreaming about airports cannot be completely interpreted without the full context of the dream.
When you dream of an airport that is full of people this signifies your approach to life. There are a lot of people in your life and it is not hard to get helpers. You can attract people; whether for good or for bad.
When you dream of an empty airport this can signify a delay in achieving your goals because you are not able to find helpers or build up resources to achieve your dream faster.
When you dream of walking up or down an aisle this can signify your confidence in facing all life has in store for you. You do not let down or cower in the face of opposition.
When you dream of an alabaster, this can signify a breakthrough in your destiny. It also signifies a bountiful relationship.
When you dream of an alabaster statue this signifies heartache, anguish, and anxiety
When you dream of being Aladdin this signifies how sure you are of the path you are taking in life.
When you dream of sounding an alarm, this signifies you are having conflicting emotions about a relationship you are in. The relationship gives you heartache and you are not able to compose yourself.
Alarm Clock
When you dream of the sounds of an alarm clock this signifies your attention to time. You are too cautious of timebound assignments.
When you dream of an albatross this signifies you are tough and can stand against any opposition without fear.
When you dream of an albatross dying this signifies sadness and depression.
When you dream of an albino this signifies spiritual cleanliness and pureness of heart.
When you dream of being scared of an albino this signifies you care too much about someone who really might not care much about you.
When you dream of an album this signifies that your close confidants are faithful to you.
When you dream of looking through an alum this signifies, you’re holding to the past, and rely on the memories of the past to console yourself
When you dream of alchemy this signifies periods of hardship. It will be important to remain focused and not fold under pressure.
When you dream of alcohol in a jovial ceremonial event this signifies achievement after a period of hard work.
When you dream of drinking too much alcohol this indicates your need to disassociate from reality because you do not want to face real issues.
Also, such dreams could just reflect the desire of the dreamer to stop drinking excessively.
When you dream of a person being an alcoholic this signifies that the feels isolated and not able to be creative and showcase his/her talents. You can help by advising him/her to be more courageous and believe in himself/herself
When you dream of an alder tree this signifies elation, and cheerfulness
Alfred E. Neuman
When you dream of Alfred E. Newman this can signify low self-esteem. You are lacking in confidence and fear the critique of other, so you do not like to stand out and be noticed. This is not a good position to put yourself in.
When you dream of algae this signifies you get too emotional when you need to make decisions. When you need to be business minded, you allow yourself to be engulfed in emotions.
Alice in Wonderland
When you dream that you are in Alice in Wonderland this can signify your detachment from reality. You do not want to reconcile yourself with your current state in real life.
When you dream of being an Alien this can signify your disassociation from reality. There are times we do not want to accept our current state in reality and continue to act and life as if nothing has changed.
Also, when you dream of being an Alien this can signify your creative nature and free-thinking nature.
When you dream that Aliens have invaded your home or that Aliens have abducted you, this can signify your feelings of being crowded by other people. You enjoy your solitude and when other people attempt being social with you it rubs off bad on you.
When you dream of multiple Aliens this signifies your hardship in getting used to your new situation or house or neighborhood.
When you dream of having sexual intercourse with an alien this can signify you want a change up in your sexual life.
When you dream of paying alimony this can signify that your past mistakes are catching up with you and you are beginning to pay the consequences.
When you dream of having allergies this can signify you do not feel comfortable making a decision.
When you dream of an alley this can signify forces of evil limiting your opportunities.
When you dream of going through an alley this can signify the end of the road of a problem that has been bugging you. Also, this can be interpreted as a situation where your reputation is at stake.
When you dream of an alligator this can signify betrayal, deception, and veiled characters. This ca be a sign for you to handle a current problem in a different way. An alligator can symbolize abstinence and stubbornness; especially when your mind is made up.
When you dream of being chased by an alligator this can signify your lack of willingness to face some traumatic experience in your life. This experience must be very painful and affecting your ability to function fully.
When you dream of a baby alligator this can signify you are a very trusting individual.
When you dream of an Alligator biting you this can signify you taking past experiences for granted to the extent that you allow old tricks used against you still success against you.
When you dream of being raped by an alligator this can signify your feelings that you have been taken advantage of either emotionally or physically.
This person is a domineering presence in your life and even though you want to break free of this person’s hold over you, you find you cannot.
When you dream of a person as an alligator this can signify the untruthful nature of such a person. It will be wise to stay clear of such individuals because they are sure to betray you in a way.
Biblically, alligators (leviathans) are considered the king of prideful children (Psalm 74:14, Job 41:1, Isaiah 27:1)
When you dream of being paid an allowance this signifies your reward for the time and effort you put into a project. If you are currently on a project in real life, you are expectant of a huge pay day.
When you dream of an alloy this signifies that there are some problems in your place of work.
When you dream of an almanac this can signify the bumpy way your life has been. You might have seen some good ‘ups’ and very low ‘downs’. The duration of each level doesn’t last long. You need to practice financial discipline to break this yoke.
When you dream of an almond this can signify great fortune in your real life. Almonds symbolize cheerfulness.
When you dream of al almond tree this can signify ‘wedding bells’ in the near future for you. Also, it can be interpreted as your ability to overcome trauma real fast
When you dream of giving alms to others this can signify your kind nature because you are a person who gives freely
When you dream of using Aloe this signifies your emotional availability to heal from a traumatic experience. Most times you get this dream when you are ready to forgive someone you believe hurt you deeply.
When you dream of being alone this can signify your feeling of rejection. This dream can be a manifestation of feelings of betrayal, when suddenly you feel you have no one backing you up.
When you dream of wanting to be alone this can signify your feelings of others trying to dominate your time. You might be feeling as if you don’t have enough time to dedicate to your growth and you need others to back off.
When you dream of an altar this can signify your sacrifice to achieve a certain goal in life. Also, it can indicate Your feelings of making a greater sacrifice of your time and effort to attain a higher spiritual lever than you are now.
When you dream of a pastor at an altar this can signify the need for spiritual intervention in your profession and personal life. You might believe that there are spiritual attacks hurled at you an d you need to cover yourself spiritually.
When you dream of kneeling in front of an altar this can signify desperation and your spiritual weakness. If that altar is a diabolic one, then this dream signifies your defeat by the forces of evil. You cannot let such a dream slide. You have to attack it spiritually.
Altar Boy
When you dream of being an altar boy this signifies your feelings of wanting to work for God in some type of way.
When you dream of alum this signifies that the forces of evil are working against the success of your plans.
When you dream of tasting alum this signifies guilt and sorrow over something you did in the past to an innocent person. This is a good stop to seeking forgiveness and repentance.
When you dream of aluminum this can indicate your ability to manage resources and make a profit. It shows you are a grateful soul, and you take nobody and nothing for granted.
When you dream of being an alumnus this can signify your attainment of a new level in life.
When you dream of being an alumnus of a school you didn’t attend in real life this can signify you are ready to face the consequences of something bad you did in the past.
Alzheimer’s Disease
When you dream of having Alzheimer’s disease this can signify your fear of letting go of your past memories. This is a dangerous situation because you keep on reliving your past glory and you remain stuck in the past instead of facing reality and making a life for yourself.
Also, this dream might signify your anxiety of forgetting very vital information.
When you dream of Alzheimer’s disease and you are actually suffering from this disease in real life this can signify the pains and anxiety you feel when dealing with this disease. Our prayers and thoughts are with you.
When you dream of being an ambassador this can signify the need for you to be more accommodating of other people’s views.
When you dream of amber this signifies enlightenment in your life. Amber connotes ‘sun’ and light. This can be interpreted that you have attained a new level of enlightenment.
When you dream of amber this can signify ‘resurrection’ of something in your past that will be of use to you in the future. This could be a rekindled relationship, a past event, or a memory
Amber Alert
When you dream of an amber alert this signifies danger. You need to be cautious of those around you and situations you involve yourself in Do not let everyone into your business and always take stock of your spending.
When you dream of an ambulance this signifies that your current way of life is destructive. You need to calm down and retrace your steps to where you got things wrong. When did you start to indulge in excesses? Why? You need to stop making bad decisions that always lead you into trouble.
When you dream of an ambulance filled with wounded people thus indicates your fear of letting up on the past.
When you dream of someone being hit by an ambulance this signifies deep-rooted problems in your soul that you need to face to become whole.
When you dream of driving an ambulance this signifies our giving nature. You put the needs and wants of others before yours. While this is an enviable character, it might haunt you because those closest to you will always suffer.
When you dream of being ambushed this signifies the plans of the forces of evil to use you for a sacrifice. There is grave danger ahead of you and you need to protect yourself spiritually.
When you dream of America and you are an American this signifies liberation and individuality. If you aren’t an American and dream of America this can signify your wish to travel to America. It can also indicate your wish to be free and independent.
When you dream of an amethyst this can signify contentment and happiness with the progress your life is taking. You might not have everything you desire but you are content with what you have as you aspire for more.
When you dream of losing an amethyst this can signify a great loss in your life
When you dream of being Amish this can signify the need to be more concerned with the necessities of life rather than pursuing ‘larger than life’ goals. Simplicity is the watchword.
When you dream of ammonia or smelling ammonia this signifies a problem or situation in your life that you have to face and stop running away from.
When you dream of ammunition this signifies your use of your ability to negotiate or change people’s opinions to suit your narrative. Also, it can signify that you are using all resources available to you to make people follow suit and bow to your will; even if you have to use negative means.