
Dreams Starting With B


Baboons are often known for attacking, chasing, or even entering the home of the dreamer. Although they are social primates, they are notorious for their dominant and aggressive behaviors. As wild animals, they often symbolize unconscious impulses and primitive traits that may reflect groups, families, or societal norms.


Dreams about babies can hold various meanings depending on the context. They could symbolize one’s nurturing side or a lack thereof. Women longing to have a baby might,  dream of holding one, signifying unconscious desires. Babies generally symbolize positivity and a “fresh start” or “new beginning” in life.

Dreaming of babies often brings immense joy, symbolizing new beginnings. A crying baby might encourage you to focus on your own needs or engage in inner child work. The goal is to connect and nurture the inner child that may have been neglected for years. Holding a baby in your arms could reflect maternal instincts and your need to protect and nourish. A dead baby symbolizes endings and failures in your life.


Baby Carriage

Seeing or pushing a baby carriage in a dream might indicate a desire for a family. Pushing an empty carriage could mean you’ve missed an opportunity that you now regret, or it could signify a longing for your inner child.


For men, dreaming of being a bachelor often signifies relationship stress and a sense of feeling trapped. Married men dreaming about being a bachelor might indicate a need for freedom and feeling trapped. Talking to your partner could help stop these dreams. For women, dreaming about a bachelor symbolizes the masculine aspects of oneself.


Carrying something on your back represents the burdens and influences from your past. Dreams about backs often imply things we cannot see or that are behind us. If someone is on your back in the dream, it suggests they might be using your energy to advance. Undergoing back surgery represents healing from past damages and betrayals. Turning your back suggests cutting off or blocking aspects or people. A broken back points to a heavy workload or lack of support.


Seeing or carrying a backpack indicates you have the tools needed to make the right moves. A heavy backpack might indicate feeling overwhelmed. An empty backpack suggests feeling unprepared for moving forward. Ease in carrying it indicates confidence in your next steps.


Dreaming of being in the back seat of someone’s car symbolizes a lack of control over your life. The driver might be controlling your decisions and movements.


Walking or running backward in dreams means taking steps back in life. Reflect on your current actions and decisions. You might need to reassess your situation or move backward to correct it. Going in reverse in a car means revisiting past mistakes to fix them.


The backyard in dreams often symbolizes the mind of the dreamer in relation to personal growth, privacy, and contentment. It can represent a place of seclusion and a barrier from others. If it’s your childhood backyard, it may hold repressed or happy memories. Fires in the backyard symbolize controlled change and transformation. Snakes in this area might have hidden meanings (see snake).


Feeling bad in a dream might indicate guilt over a decision or feeling unneeded. Bad breath represents negative communication. Bad smells relate to trusting one’s intuition. A bad haircut suggests identity issues. Bad weather implies incoming negative emotions. Bad dandruff represents hidden emotions others can see, compromising your image. Flakes indicate growth taking place.


Bags in dreams symbolize personal items we carry. If a bag is stolen, it suggests losing part of oneself. If someone takes a valuable item, it represents a part of your identity. Dreaming of a burning bag suggests renewal and change. A falling bag implies mishandling something close to you.


Dreaming of baggage indicates being weighed down in life. Someone might be burdening you. Reflect on those causing you distress. The person in your dream might be responsible for holding you back.


Dreaming of bait can mean catching something unexpected or using manipulation to achieve your goals. It could also mean seeking recognition for your work. Alternatively, you might be the bait. The dream’s tone indicates whether you are the bait or not.


Being on a balcony in a dream signifies a desire for recognition. A clean and rich balcony indicates admiration from others. A poorly maintained balcony suggests self-improvement is needed. A broken or missing railing means needing more support. A baby falling off symbolizes losses in development. Looking over or down from the balcony signifies control over a distressing situation.


Dreaming of baldness can relate to appearance or aging as hair symbolizes youth. However, being bald can also signify aggression and toughness, linked to testosterone. Dream symbols can be quite nuanced.

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If you’re experiencing hair loss in your dream, it might relate to your memory.

Witnessing clumps of hair fall out in the mirror could indicate feelings of powerlessness and anxiety about a specific aspect of your life. Dreams of baldness may stem from fears about aging, insecurities, or major life changes such as a new job opportunity.

Your mood within the dream can help decipher whether it’s rooted in confidence or fear.


Dream expert Carl Jung suggests that a ball might signify wholeness and individuation. Any round object, like a ball, resonates with the dreamer’s Self. A ball striking your face may serve as an abrupt warning or wake-up call. Dreaming of ball lightning could symbolize either danger or enlightenment. Ball bearings might represent the sudden release of repressed thoughts or urges.


Balloons often symbolize your love life or aspirations (refer to balloon color meanings). Releasing a balloon might signify letting go of goals you’ve diligently pursued. A popping balloon could indicate an unexpected setback or embarrassment. Holding many balloons signifies pride in your accomplishments. Soaring in a hot air balloon suggests positive transitions and advancements in your life.


Bananas are potent phallic symbols in dreams, signifying sexual urges or instincts. This dream could also relate to health, as bananas are nourishing for the soul and might suggest a need for health improvement.


Envisioning bamboo plants and trees is a powerful symbol of strength, adaptability, and health. Their ability to bend teaches us resilience and adaptability amidst harsh conditions. Bamboo symbolizes balance and inner peace. A bamboo house reflects the dreamer’s grounded nature, while fallen bamboo suggests the end of something once strong.


Dreaming of banks represents your inner energy and life activities. They symbolize tapping into your reserves. Withdrawing money from an ATM signifies reassurance and protection, utilizing your past efforts. A bank robbery might suggest depleted energy or someone sapping your strength. A stolen bank card indicates someone taking from your self-worth and achievements.


Dreaming of bankruptcy often reflects concerns about financial management. It might also signify feeling overwhelmed, suggesting a need to slow down and rest.


These dreams draw attention to grounding (root chakra), signifying a need to connect with nature and protect against negative energies. Missing shoes might indicate a need for protection on your life path. Walking barefoot in a church connects to grounding in your spirituality.


Dreams of descending into a basement connect with our subconscious. Each floor in a house represents different layers of our psyche, with the basement symbolizing hidden motives, memories, and experiences. According to Jung, this is where we might lose and rediscover our soul. The darkest parts of our repressed self are found here, making it crucial to record as much detail as possible.


Bathrooms in dreams can symbolize releasing unwanted aspects or fulfilling basic emotional needs (root chakra). Feeling embarrassed might indicate vulnerability or exposing hidden emotions. The bathroom’s condition might relate to your appearance or a need for self-cleansing. Difficulty finding a bathroom suggests emotional buildup that can’t be properly released.

Being in a stall might signify delaying something or personal insecurities. Poop dreams could reveal struggles with a current problem. Flushing a toilet suggests leaving past problems behind.


Despite their negative modern connotations, bats in dreams might symbolize rebirth, emerging anew each evening. They could also connect to the dreamer’s psychic or spiritual aspects, hinting at untapped senses.


Beach dreams often evoke positive emotions, symbolizing the bridge between consciousness and unconscious emotions. Waves might represent approaching emotional disturbances, while sand signifies the passing of time and exploring the unknown.


Dreaming of beans might signify growth and rebirth, as they spiritually reach towards the sky. Pregnant women often dream of beans, symbolizing growth from a seed or male sex organs. The bean’s color and your location alter the dream’s meaning.

Beaten Up

Being beaten up in dreams may reflect feelings of being overwhelmed or ganged up on in waking life.


Bears in dreams represent powerful, potentially destructive emotional forces needing to be understood and tamed.

Your mother appearing in a dream and attacking might signify underlying issues in your waking life, presenting a challenging relationship that needs addressing. Her protective nature might provoke you to confront or avoid this feminine force.


Houses in dreams often signify aspects of the dreamer’s mind or psyche, linking the mind, body, and soul. A beautiful house is a positive sign, symbolizing inner beauty and spiritual enlightenment. Dreaming of beautiful mountains relates to your spirit, goals, and aspirations; climbing them signifies achieving higher consciousness. Men dreaming of a beautiful girl might connect with their inner feminine or anima. A beautiful waterfall reflects your emotional state, suggesting a positive new perspective on life. A beautiful garden indicates growth from the past that will flourish in your waking life. Noticing a beautiful sky connects you to higher consciousness and the heavens. Dreaming of beautiful hair signifies new growth, positive thoughts, and forward movements in life.

Bed or Bedroom

The bedroom in dreams is linked to our sexual, secretive, instinctual, and repressed emotions. The bed signifies sexual pleasure, rest, and deep encounters with oneself or another. It’s where new relationships and life begin. Depending on the context, a bed can also symbolize sickness, privacy, or relationship challenges. If you’re unwell or suffer from insomnia, a bed might represent rest and protection.

Bed Bugs

These pests in dreams draw attention to people or sexual issues that have lingered too long. Killing them suggests resolving these problems. If they feed on you, identify the cause before it worsens.


Dreaming of being beheaded suggests a disconnection between the mind and body, indicative of communication or alignment issues.


Bees in dreams are pleasant symbols of wisdom, prosperity, and industriousness. They represent teamwork and efficiency, potentially signaling financial gain. Ancient Druids saw bees as symbols of the sun, Goddess, and celebration. However, a bee sting might not bode well, linking to emotional issues. In religious texts, bees are significant, suggesting their broader spiritual symbolism.

Belly Button

A powerful symbol connecting to your inner child, self-awareness, and feminine ties. An infected or bleeding belly button suggests inner turmoil or negative feminine connections. Cleaning it signifies renewal and growth.


A belt in dreams symbolizes support and stability. Receiving one as a gift indicates external assistance. A black belt signifies accomplished goals and achievements.


The context and color of berries in dreams can vary their meaning. They often symbolize many things in literature and art. Eating poisonous berries might indicate a toxic environment or health concerns. Berries generally signify good health and abundance. A red strawberry suggests passion and sexual gratification.


The Bible appearing in dreams often correlates with difficult times, warnings, or messages from God. Seeing specific verses can hold symbolic meaning. Dreamers might preach, receive, or buy the Bible, each with its unique interpretation.

Big Pots

A symbol of the dreamer’s creative power. Food connects to nourishment of the soul, family life, and growth.


Bikes in dreams signify movement and masculine energy, highlighting personal life direction, balance, and drives. The wheel’s shape might represent life’s cycles. A stolen bike signifies loss of direction and energy. An accident implies a halt in movements. Carl Jung related the wheel’s shape to wholeness and self. Riding difficulty or ease might reflect current path challenges or smooth progression.


Meeting a billionaire in dreams links to material wealth or ego desires. Dreaming of being one signifies high hopes and self-expectations. Women dreaming of a billionaire might connect with their inner masculine or Jung’s animus.


Generally, birds symbolize peace, freedom, harmony, ideas, joy, and love. Dream meanings vary by type, color, condition, number, and location. Birds inspire expanding consciousness and freedom, breaking from constraints. Caged birds signify restricted thoughts and desires needing liberation.


Birthdays symbolize inner growth and prosperity. An unexpected birthday implies sudden growth. Dreaming of a birthday cake signifies upcoming growth and rewards. Attending a birthday might relate to you or the celebrant.


Being bitten in dreams often suggests anger or verbal attacks. Bites from humans differ from those by reptiles. If someone known bites you, it links to unresolved issues with them.


Verbal attacks directed at you, words that could cause harm. If a bite occurs on your right hand, it might imply a friend or someone bites the hand that offers aid.

Black Magic

Dreams of black magic suggest using the wrong tactics to achieve goals. Are you manipulating situations incorrectly? Usually, dreaming of black magic indicates some malevolence lurking nearby. If you’re affected by black magic in your dream, it might reflect a desire for more control by manipulating situations.

Black Panther

These powerful creatures link the dreamer to their shadow – unseen behaviors or urges within them. They can also symbolize feminine intuition, vision, and aggression. These potent energies emerge from the unknown. Did you flee or stand your ground?

Black Birds

Generally, black birds often represent the dreamer’s unconscious side; sometimes appearing as negative omens, warnings of death, or the shadow self. They can be seen entering your house, attacking, or flying overhead. They warn of potential threats, either from within or from others.


These dreams highlight what you fail to see in your waking life. They are symbolic, hinting at blind spots in your life. Blind animals represent a lack of insight into your own instincts and behaviors. Being blind in one eye implies compromised intuition and imperfect clarity.


Typically, blocked images in dreams relate to the dreamer’s inner world or life path. Blocked toilets link to the root chakra – anxiety, fear, depression, emotional disconnection, and worry. Blocked noses relate to senses or instincts, while blocked ears affect communication or listening.


Blood is a powerful dream symbol tied to life force/energy. Red symbolizes passion, anger, and the heart. Blood can also indicate wealth and good fortune. Losing blood signifies a loss of personal energy and a need for rejuvenation. Blood and wine are interchangeable, as referenced by Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:25.


Generally, dreaming of the color blue symbolizes peace and tranquility. A positive hue linked to personal intellectual and emotional growth. Dark blue can indicate mature insights or, if negative, a depressive state. Dreamers notice blue waters, connecting them to their unconscious emotions.
Dreaming of blue jeans implies comfort with your image and protection on your journey. A blue snake suggests transformation but can also imply emotional blocks. Blue crabs connect to moon, feminine energy, and emotional shifts. Blue walls symbolize emotional barriers from past hurts.

Boa Constrictor

Unlike typical snake dreams, the boa constrictor is a trap, carefully planned. It symbolizes an enemy, unconscious fears, or a guide. Unlike venomous snakes, it does not bite but constricts, reflecting intricate life challenges.


Boats symbolize life journeys, whether spiritual, educational, or motivated by desire. The boat’s condition, location, and water’s description can change the interpretation. Smooth sailing or rough waves hint at future events. Fishing or falling indicates life maneuvers. A sinking boat suggests emotional overwhelm, while crashing indicates a lack of control and emotional difficulties.


Bombs dropped from above signal impending danger, such as unexpected anger or volatile situations. Explosions show signs of anger or aggression, often linked to the dreamer.


Bones represent the past – things that have died and been buried. Symbolizing life’s indestructibility along with death and rebirth. Bones in the mouth relate to communication issues. Bones inside the body signify core values and strengths. Broken bones imply inner weakness, a call to develop greater strength.


Dreaming of boogers signifies blocked intuition, listening to your gut, or embarrassing situations. Picking boogers can indicate self-awareness and personal growth.


Book dreams symbolize learning or intellectual connections. A bookstore reflects inner knowledge and wisdom. Buying books implies finding new valuable information. Picking up an old book relates to wisdom and experience.

Book of Life

The Akashic Records, also known as the “Book of Life,“ is a mystical archive holding records of every human event throughout history, including thoughts, emotions, intents, and words, encompassing past, present, and future experiences.


Boils are usually negative dream symbols unless the dreamer pops or squeezes pus out of them. They often reveal what one displays to others, reflecting underlying issues.

“`a mortifying scenario. This is typically something bothering you that metaphorically represents a growing internal negativity needing attention.

Boiled Eggs

Eggs are a potent symbol representing completeness, hope, and purity. They signify fertility and life’s cycles. In some Asian cultures, they symbolize luck and wealth.


Linked to your journey, direction, or how you navigate life. The condition of your footwear indicates your level of protection. Worn-out boots suggest hard work but a need to pause and rejuvenate. Purchasing boots signifies new beginnings and protection on your path. Rubber boots imply shielding against emotional chaos.


It’s not unusual to dream of your boss. Consider your feelings towards them—do you admire or dislike them? These dreams might reflect qualities you need to adopt. They can appear due to projections, unconscious memories, or past issues resurfacing. A boss dying suggests significant changes ahead. A hug from a boss indicates improved work relationships. Scolding from a boss reflects work-related insecurities. A pregnant boss is a positive sign of growth and new beginnings in the company.


Dreaming of a border is significant and deserves attention. In your waking life, you’ve made a crucial move that will alter your path. Crossing a border without permission suggests trespassing where you shouldn’t.

Border Collie

A border collie in your dream is a guide pointing you in the right direction. Its black and white coat symbolizes the yin and yang, relating to unconscious masculine energy. Known as the world’s smartest dog breed, it appears for a reason. See dog & yin and yang dreams.


Boxes in dreams can be empty, colored, wooden, falling, or given by the deceased. They contain lost memories, emotions, or aspects of the past needing resolution. The type of box alters the dream’s meaning.

Boyfriend Cheating

Dreams of a cheating boyfriend often aren’t about infidelity. They symbolize unexpressed emotions, past hurts, and insecurities.


Dreaming of wearing a bra signifies support and security from someone close. It might indicate a need to boost your self-confidence. For men, wearing a bra may suggest feeling overworked at home and work. Consider if you need help but aren’t receiving it. This dream is common for men.


Dreams about brakes often symbolize control in life, or lack thereof. Dreaming of brakes indicates managing situations on your path. Failing brakes suggest loss of control. Driving without brakes implies taking risks that might lead to problems.


Breaking objects in dreams symbolizes change or shattered aspirations. Broken glassware represents values and pride. Consider who was present in the dream. Broken children’s toys may suggest harm to your inner child. A broken window signifies emotional fragility.

Breaking Up

Dreams of breaking up vary based on who initiates it. Typically, it indicates personal changes but can also represent desires, fears, or insecurities. It might be a metaphor for relationship changes or ending certain aspects.


Breastfeeding dreams symbolize nurturing new aspects within. They relate to new ideas, career, inner growth, and beginnings. Nursing a baby connects to nourishing your inner self. Consider if this dream is a wish fulfillment.


Bread is a powerful symbol, often seen as a gift from a higher power, encouraging deeper self-exploration. Giving or receiving bread is a positive sign urging self-discovery.


Breadfruit in dreams signifies growth, spiritual wisdom, abundance, and heart chakra. It connects with self-nourishment and feminine energy. Ripe breadfruit suggests impending success. Roasting it implies seeking alternative nourishment. Picking breadfruit signifies obtaining new success.

Breaking Up

Breaking up dreams with past partners reflect unresolved emotions. Dreaming of separating from a current partner may indicate fears, desires, or changes in the relationship.

Breath or Breathing

Dreams of struggling to breathe may result from sleep paralysis or feeling overwhelmed. Gasping for air suggests internal turmoil. Breath is your life force; restrictions may stem from friends, relationships, fears, or work. Bad breath in dreams signifies embarrassing situations you’re unaware of, possibly indicating communication issues.


Breeze is a potent symbol connecting to the spirit. Its invisible movement signifies shifts, divine intervention, and the universe’s breath. A cold breeze warns of impending challenges.


Bridges symbolize connections and transitions. They signify linking different aspects of your life or progressing from one phase to another.

moving from one spot to another. These are positive dream symbols that connect us with the spiritual, emotional, relationships, and friendships. Dreams manifest as metaphors, and this could be a metaphor for bridging a gap; perhaps a bridge over turbulent waters, a bridge too far, burning bridges, or crossing a bridge. You might be transitioning from one place to another or leaving behind things that were once important.

Broken Glass

Does this signify bad luck? Broken glass draws your attention to things that are important or possibly fragile that have broken. This could refer to relationships, physical items, or shattered ideas.


A brother appearing in dreams represents love, sacrifice, respect, and bonding within your life and family. Oddly, when we dream of our siblings, it’s often of them in distress or lost; images that reflect hidden emotions you’re harboring. We tend to notice transitions, shifts, personality changes, or if they’re influenced by something.


You might need to brush something off or set something straight related to your appearance. Its connection with hair suggests new growth and wisdom. If you’re painting your house, it relates to refreshing your mind.


Are you overlooking self-protection in life? These dreams indicate a need to secure yourself or ensure you’re safe on your journey ahead.

Buffalo or Bison

Bison or buffalos are among the most dangerous animals when confronted. In dreams, these powerful animals signify raw masculine power and strength. Though they often attack or chase us, symbolizing unconscious masculine energy (see yang energy) that is unbalanced or not integrated. Both men and women can dream of buffalos, pointing to male sex drive or a woman’s animus (see animus). A black buffalo suggests the shadow or unconscious side of the dream.


Dreaming of a buffet signifies newfound spiritual nourishment, energy, and abundance. Dreaming of a feast symbolizes freedom, wealth, or self-indulgence.


Most often, these dreams indicate something is bothering you that you’re ignoring. They link to negative thoughts, people, unconscious behaviors, or feelings like guilt or anxiety. The bug type determines the annoyance level. This is why bugs in dreams might crawl on us, be in our beds, or sometimes found in our mouths. The bug’s location and type affects the meaning.


Dreaming of a building is highly symbolic, representing the dreamer. The layout is a metaphor for the dreamer’s psyche, relating to drives, ideas, motives, beliefs, relationships, and principles. What’s inside is often unconscious. Tall or damaged buildings are common themes reflecting progress or failures.


When a bull appears in your dreams, it holds a powerful message delivered with force. It may represent what you’re avoiding or standing up to, encouraging you to confront your unconscious fears, drives, and urges. Bulls often chase or attack dreamers unaware of this powerful masculine energy.


Could these dreams be repressed childhood memories? If not, they might reflect aspects of your work, home, or relationship. The location and people around provide clues.


Bunnies link the dreamer to luck, prosperity, abundance, and fertility. They can be positive or negative omens, depending on their appearance. They can share traits with the fox – deceitful or cunning, playing the trickster role. A symbol of sexual repression or innocence.


These dreams draw attention to your mind/psyche as something has been violated. Stolen items provide clues for investigation.


Burnt items in dreams usually have negative associations. The aftermath of a fire relates to intense feelings about something or someone. A burnt hand represents unappreciated efforts. A burnt house signifies endings or personal changes. Burns from fire suggest anger or exhaustion. The saying ‘playing with fire’ warns of cautious behavior. A burnt face might reflect unconscious self-damage. Burnt legs warn to slow down or face obstacles.


Dreaming of a burial can be a positive or negative omen depending on the context. Buried things are no longer needed; they reflect the past, behaviors, relationships, or old self that has been renewed. Alternatively, these dreams might suggest digging up the past or reliving non-working aspects. Dreaming of someone being buried might suggest transformation.

Buried Alive

Being buried alive in dreams signifies fears overwhelming your life. Take control of your emotions and reduce stress. Your unconscious mind urges you to address problems. Burying someone alive suggests inner turmoil and hidden issues needing resolution.


Buses in dreams symbolize life movement, from one stop to another. They bring attention to our progress, changes, and life direction. Missing a bus suggests missed opportunities or lack of readiness for the next step. Bus crashes might signal the end of a current direction. Driving the bus indicates more control over your destiny, while a loss of control suggests a lack of direction.


These dreams suggest slowing down as you might be rushing through life.

Butterfly Dreams

Butterflies are potent dream symbols of personal transformation. These symbols guide us through the metamorphosis stage, signifying resurrection, bliss, and joy. In dreams, butterflies symbolize shedding the old and embracing the new.


Though humorous, these dreams urge self-protection, warning to watch out for something behind you. You might need to safeguard yourself in waking life situations.


These dreams often relate to our clothing, holding and connecting our image. Clothes cover us, and buttons prevent exposure.


Buying items in dreams signifies gaining things we’ve sought. Hard work has changed your appearance or nourished your soul. What you buy affects the meaning of your reward.

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