Dreams Starting With C
A cab in a dream signifies your life’s journey and how you navigate it. Being the driver indicates control, while being a passenger suggests reliance on others. Ordering an Uber in a dream implies a need for assistance. The road and cab condition reflect the ease or difficulty of your journey. A cab accident may symbolize disruptions or obstacles in future plans.
Dreaming of cages often mirrors feelings of entrapment in waking life. These dreams serve as metaphors for feelings of restriction and lack of independence. An underwater cage signifies trapped emotions. Caged animals represent repressed aspects of yourself. An open, empty cage is a positive sign of release from a stuck situation. Dreams of cage fighting imply inner conflict or opposing beliefs.
Cameras in dreams often symbolize the desire to capture or remember past events. A speed camera warns of potential halts in your current path. A broken camera suggests failure in retaining something valuable. Surveillance cameras represent fears of judgment or mistakes related to work, relationships, or authority figures.
Dreaming of Canada may evoke positive associations like friendly people or a peaceful environment. The country can symbolize exploration of your wilder, unconscious side. Depending on your experiences, Canada dreams can be positive or negative omens.
Cannibalism dreams can be metaphors for feeling drained by others. These dreams may reflect individuals who consume your energy for their benefit. Witnessing cannibalism suggests awareness of others being negatively affected by antisocial individuals.
Cancelling in dreams implies sudden changes, halts, or decisions to abandon plans. Cancelling a flight or trip indicates indecision about a transition. Cancelling a wedding signifies setbacks in unifying opposing energies. See wedding dreams for more.
Dreaming of a cancer diagnosis highlights internal issues consuming you. These dreams serve as metaphors for underlying problems needing attention. Dreams of breast cancer or tumors act as wake-up calls to examine unconscious aspects of your life.
Candles in dreams symbolize intelligence and hidden talents. They represent life’s light and darkness, and spiritual truth. Lit candles signify hope and guidance, while extinguished ones suggest endings. Being burned by a candle may relate to religious feelings.
Candy in dreams symbolizes sweetness, happiness, and good memories. It can signify positive news, success, or new ventures. Receiving candy indicates good fortune. Dreaming of a candy store suggests abundant options and opportunities.
Cantaloupes in dreams symbolize growth, fertility, and inner transformation. Eating the fruit suggests undergoing these processes.
Canned Food
Canned food in dreams represents contained nourishment. Eating it suggests drawing from stored resources. Canned fish symbolizes accessing stored spiritual nourishment.
Dreaming of a canoe signifies upcoming adventures and relaxation. It implies emotional balance regardless of calm or rough waters. Buying a canoe suggests initiating a new journey soon. The canoe’s size reflects your confidence and power in this transition.
Cars in dreams symbolize life’s direction and drive. Driving can be positive or negative depending on context. Car crashes signify obstacles, while new cars suggest powerful new ideas or relationships.
Card dreams reflect life’s uncertainties and choices. The hand you’re dealt symbolizes current circumstances, while playing cards suggests competition and risk-taking. Tarot cards may hint at future events.
Dreaming of carpets implies luxury and emotional comfort. They may also symbolize covering up issues. Flying carpets signify hopes and dreams coming true. Wet carpets suggest absorbing emotions needing resolution.
Carrying in dreams symbolizes responsibilities, support, or emotional burdens. It can represent nurturing or moving forward with aspects of your life.
Moving from one location to another, or obligation or a regression to childhood within a relationship. So why do we frequently carry babies in our dreams? Holding a baby embodies elements of our own inner child, fresh growth, development, warmth, and new beginnings in your life. Alternatively, women dreaming of holding a baby may desire one or it relates to their maternal instincts – a boy representing masculine energy, and a girl, feminine energy. Carrying water in your dream signifies holding onto emotions that are weighing you down. Dreaming of carrying firewood suggests a forthcoming transformation; fire can illuminate your soul. If you dream of carrying bags, it signifies ideas, memories, emotions, or past attitudes that you bring with you into the present moment.
Casinos in your dream might appear when you’re considering a risk or chance in your life. These dreams can be positive signs if the dreamer wins money or the jackpot. Dreaming of a slot machine is symbolic due to the coins – emblems of wholeness and completion. Perhaps a chance you’ve taken will benefit you in the future.
Castles emerge in our dreams linked to our sense of security or insecurity, depending on their appearance. They are structures built by our own defense mechanisms, showing how we protect ourselves from others.
Symbols of death are favorable omens signaling the end of the old and the start of the new. Change is coming (rebirth) as something is laid to rest. It could also signify the womb or a connection to Mother Earth. A need to be grounded in life relates to the root chakra. Seeing someone else in the casket suggests a positive change involving that person.
Castration appears in dreams when you feel a loss of control or inner strength. This loss of power has led you to shut off unconscious parts of yourself – repressing emotions tied to a specific issue.
Cats are powerful and common dream symbols connected to the dreamer’s feminine nature. They symbolize creativity, power, intuition, and sexuality. Ancient Egyptians linked cats with deities. Modern superstitions, like a black cat crossing your path, can appear as metaphors for danger, though it might be the dreamer’s own shadow archetype. If a cat attacks you, it might imply a catty nature or an unconscious emotional attack linked to the feminine. Dreaming of a kitten suggests purity and innocence. Lions and tigers are powerful symbols of unconscious feminine and masculine traits.
Represents the stage before a major shift or transformation in your life. They are positive dream symbols unless they attack. Hairy caterpillars signify new growth.
Caves or caverns in dreams represent protection, a passageway, or connection to the womb. A powerful symbol linked to the unconscious mind and heart; a place where treasures are found, but also where dragons and spirits reside.
Represents your primitive side that is not fully understood. Repressed urges and instincts are reflected through the caveman. See caves for more information.
Dreaming of taking CBD Oil directs your focus to your mind, body, and soul. It might indicate a need to relax more or address areas of your life where there is pain.
Ceilings symbolize protection and mental barriers we create. However, most ceiling dreams involve water leaks, cracks, or damage. These dreams signify emotional instability in a part of your mind that needs repair, or it might collapse. Ceilings that collapse or break down represent past issues reaching a breaking point due to neglect.
Dreaming of celebrities is common and helps you learn more about yourself. The qualities the famous person displays often represent a projection, something unconscious within you. However, the meaning can change once you form a friendship or romantic relationship in the dream.
Cell Phone
Cell phones in dreams are common symbols of communication. Difficulty dialing someone suggests emotional communication issues. Calling the police indicates a need for help in your current situation. A cracked cell phone relates to annoyances and breaks in things close to us. The person you’re speaking to can provide clues if you recall the conversation.
Connected to the shadow archetype, it is dangerous if it bites. They dwell in dark places where negative unconscious aspects hide. Their ability to move quickly with many legs could be a metaphor for your current life situation.
Cemetery dreams are usually good symbols showing life and death transitions. Out with the old, in with the new; a rebirth of aspects of your personality. They remind us that the past is buried and it’s time to move forward. If someone recently passed away, these dreams might be part of the grieving process.
The type of cereal might be a play on words, perhaps a metaphor for ‘serial,’ the act of repetition. Eating cereal in dreams suggests a quick energy boost in your life.
Dreaming of a chair symbolizes your need to relax. Take a break from your busy schedule and rest. Working too hard, this dream is your unconscious telling you to slow down. A broken chair might relate to weight issues or being overworked. An electric chair represents punishment for wrongdoing.
A symbol not about romantic infidelity but rather feelings of betrayal elsewhere in life. Themes often involve kissing, foreplay, or sexual interactions while feeling betrayed or angry. If you’re cheating, it might suggest you’re seeking something within the person you admire or want to incorporate into your life. It sometimes connects to our own masculine and feminine energies. See animus and anima.
What’s on the board and why are you using it? Could this be a dream symbol of childhood classroom experiences you’re repressing?
Chase Dreams
Chase dreams metaphorically represent running away or avoiding something in life. These repressed fears or ignored feelings manifest as masked figures, animals, or monsters.
**Menaces, assassins—just to grab our focus. Persistent chase dreams happen when the dreamer has ignored the issue for too long. It’s a warning from the subconscious to confront your fears before they overwhelm you.**
These are circular energy vortices positioned at seven points along the spine. Each chakra corresponds to various organs and glands in the body. If any of the seven chakras appear damaged, it suggests an imbalance in your life’s vital energy.**
Check or Cheque
Dreams involving checks could be a metaphor for examining something you’ve overlooked. Consider who was around when you encountered the check. A blank check signifies limitless resources and choices. Receiving a check is a positive sign of energy and rewards for your efforts.**
How’s the game unfolding? Are you winning or losing? Seeing a chessboard might indicate strategic life planning. Life, like chess, requires thinking several steps ahead.**
This could symbolize ‘cheating’ or dishonesty. Alternatively, it might represent your agility and speed, or be linked to feminine power and swiftness. Cheetahs connect dreamers to their feline instincts, often unconscious ones.**
Children in dreams often relate to our inner child trapped within. Common scenarios include harm, drowning, or kidnapping. Rescuing the child signifies addressing past traumas to facilitate personal growth.**
Childhood Home
A symbol of returning to the past where unresolved issues lurk. Could this relate to a repressed memory or traumatic event shaping your present? The old home in dreams tells a story filled with forgotten memories, hidden secrets, and repressed emotions.**
We often protect or care for children in dreams who aren’t ours. These children often symbolize our own inner child needing rescue or already rescued. It might also suggest a need to reconnect with childlike behaviors and joy.**
Dreaming of China implies something foreign yet unexplored in your life. It could relate to new ventures or global understanding. Interactions with Chinese individuals reflect the balance of yin and yang, masculine and feminine energies within you. Dreaming of a Chinese baby suggests new growth in unfamiliar areas.**
If a house represents your psyche, then a chimney symbolizes the release of burning, intense emotions.**
This wild ape links you to primal behaviors and instincts you may not be aware of. Though rare, encountering a chimpanzee in dreams delivers a powerful message about your primitive side.**
This is a positive dream symbol suggesting internal richness. It might also hint at dietary considerations. A chocolate cake signifies forthcoming gifts and rewards.**
Choking dreams often relate to internal blockages. The throat chakra links mind and body, and choking might represent communication struggles. Choking someone could signify frustration with that person. Noticing a choking baby or animal relates to issues with new growth, transitions, or instinctual urges.**
Christmas Tree
This dream suggests family celebrations and relationships. The tree symbolizes undying life and the “tree of life” from Christian beliefs.**
Churches relate to your personal belief system. According to Carl Jung, the church connects to the collective unconscious and the quest for inner peace. Negative experiences within a church in dreams may question your religious feelings or God.**
Do you need a break or struggle with addiction? Dreaming of cigarettes could symbolize battling cravings or toxic habits. Burns from cigarettes represent harmful anger. Selling them suggests spreading harm. Old cigarettes symbolize past toxicity, while eating them implies absorbing toxic behaviors.**
A circle is a positive symbol of wholeness and completeness, possibly even immortality. According to Jung, it represents the path to self-completion or the sun. Moving in circles in dreams might imply repetitive lifestyles. This profound symbol connects you to the quest for perfection.**
Many people dream of tests or exams, signifying life achievements or setbacks. Classrooms symbolize learning, forgotten memories, personal growth, or resolving inner problems. An empty classroom suggests seeking fulfilling knowledge, while hiding indicates ignorance or refusal to learn.**
They appear to remind you of important life aspects, representing who you were and what you admire. Classmates might also teach you something new or remind you of past lessons.**
forgot about in your past.
Cleaning in dreams signifies renewal and fresh starts. Cleaning a house reflects tidying up the dreamer’s mind or psyche, clearing mental clutter. Cleaning a toilet is linked to clearing toxic behaviors or past memories. A car being cleaned suggests a new, invigorated direction in life. Cleaning baby poop symbolizes release and the growth of something new within.
The dream meaning of a cliff varies greatly by context. Positively viewing a cliff suggests personal achievements, while dangling off one indicates feelings of insecurity or lack of control in life.
This dream links to your current life progress. The difficulty of the climb mirrors the challenges you’re facing. Often, climbing a mountain signifies personal growth and struggles.
Cloaked Figure
Often faceless and hooded, a cloaked figure embodies hidden fears troubling us. Confronting these fears disempowers the figure, revealing its face and reducing its influence over you.
Dreaming of a clock or watch signifies time or duration, reflecting the dreamer’s understanding of life’s passing moments. A ticking clock may indicate awareness of limited time, while a watch suggests watching for something missed. An alarm clock serves as a morning alert or reminder.
Clouds in dreams mirror the dreamer’s moods, as changeable as thoughts. In profound dreams, divine beings may reside in the clouds, observing you.
A closet in dreams offers clues about aspects of yourself stored away or hidden. The house represents your psyche, and each room has a different significance. The closet’s contents—whether fears, talents, or secrets—are what matter to the dreamer.
Clothes in dreams represent your identity and image, how you want to be seen by others. They symbolize protection and concealment, potentially revealing fears of exposure. The type of clothes and your feelings about them shape the dream’s meaning.
Clowns in dreams often symbolize repressed fears or emotions, urging you to lighten up and not take life too seriously.
Cobras in dreams serve as warnings or symbols of major life transformations. They offer protection, as seen in ancient cultures. An attack suggests awareness of enemies or unconscious instincts and behaviors.
Cockroaches symbolize the neglected, repressed parts of ourselves, metaphorically reflecting issues needing attention. Killing them in a dream is a positive sign of addressing these issues.
Dream colors carry powerful messages, varying by context and feeling. They link to emotions, moods, power, and harmony in life.
- Red signifies excitement, energy, passion, love, desire, strength, power, aggression, danger.
- Pink symbolizes love, romance, caring, tenderness, acceptance, calm.
- Yellow represents joy, happiness, sunshine, summer, dishonesty, cowardice, jealousy.
- Blue suggests peace, tranquility, cold, calm, stability, harmony, unity.
- Green represents envy and lust.
- Gray reflects your current mood in waking life.
- Black represents strength, power, sexuality, sophistication, elegance, wealth, mystery.
Dreaming of being in a coma suggests you’re disengaged from life, needing to wake up and regain control.
Competition dreams mirror waking life rivalries, signifying either dormant competitive spirit or hard work toward goals.
Combs in dreams relate to hair, symbolizing wisdom, growth, and thoughts. Combing hair signifies resolving issues for personal benefit.
Dreams of comforting others show empathy for those in need, revealing your ability to understand and help on a deeper level. Comforting a child reflects nurturing your inner child, while a stranger represents unknown aspects of yourself.
Comfort Room
Dreaming of a comfort room signifies needed rest and balance, away from daily stress. The room’s condition offers insights; a dirty room urges addressing negativity to relax.
Being a conductor in a dream highlights taking control of your life, path, and destiny, with a clear vision of what’s next.
Cooking in dreams is a positive sign, nourishing unconscious aspects. The dish being cooked offers metaphorical insights into what’s being nourished. Round foods like eggs symbolize wholeness, while fish suggests spiritual nourishment.
brings our focus to the dreamer’s spiritual or emotional realm.
Dreaming of police draws attention to authority or protection. They often appear as symbols of immaturity, father figures, guides, or consequences for your actions. Women dreaming of flirting with a cop may reflect repressed desires, metaphorically playing with rules, or relate to her inner masculine side.
Dreaming of cotton suggests good fortune and happiness for the dreamer. Its softness and pure color hint at the dreamer’s personality. To dream of a cotton thread indicates that something from your past will be resolved and reunited.
Cotton Candy
To dream of cotton candy takes you back to a simpler, exciting time in your childhood. What color did you see? These colors can often be interpreted in the color section of the dream book.
Why are you in court, and do you feel guilty or innocent? Do you feel you might have to face judgment with someone you know? Being sent to prison may imply upcoming restrictions. Do you feel judged by yourself or others?
Coughing in dreams often signifies expelling things that disturb us. It represents negative aspects of our lives that we hold within. Your dream may use specific things you’re coughing up to guide you towards an answer. Coughing up something is usually a positive sign of releasing toxic or negative energy.
Coughing up blood represents a loss of vitality (life force) related to a specific matter in your life. Coughing up blood clots symbolizes the removal of negative energy blocks that affect your emotions.
Coughing up mucus represents stagnant negative energy that was blocking aspects of your mind, body, and soul (see throat chakra dreams).
Coughing up hair may reflect inner distortion; fears and anxiety about your growth, knowledge, and strength.
Coughing up black mucus connects to the dreamer’s unconscious “shadow side” (see shadow dreams).
Coughing up tonsil stones relates to removing blocks in your communication or throat chakra (see chakra dreams).
When cows appear in your dreams, they connect you to divine feminine energy. This powerful symbol can protect, provide, and even destroy. How the cow appears in your dream reveals its purpose. Women tend to dream of this symbol more than men. Cows link to creativity and emotions.
Dreaming of natural disasters like tornadoes during an outbreak is common. Virus dreams highlight fears of contracting or spreading the illness.
In dreams, coworkers can appear in unusual scenarios, such as marriage, pregnancy, or death. These dreams may reflect workplace dynamics, unconscious competition, or hidden memories. They often reveal more about the dreamer’s psyche than the coworkers themselves, indicating hidden or unknown aspects of the dreamer. Unconscious connections formed in the workplace are reflected in our dreams as we evolve.
Crabs, dwelling deep underwater, may link to your emotional state. Perhaps something is making you irritable or snappy. The crab’s ability to move on land and water, and bury itself, suggests you should observe your mood. Catching a crab implies awareness of others’ hidden behaviors. You’re confident but only emerge when ready.
Crashing in a dream may suggest an abrupt halt in your life causing disturbance. What did you crash into and who were you with? Crashing a car might imply a halt in your current life path. A crash often signifies a need to slow down and change direction (plane, car, train).
These romantic dreams may connect to something deeper within, such as a possible soulmate, unconscious desire, or merging of your own inner energies.
Crows symbolize the dreamer’s intelligence, which can be advantageous. They relate to the shadow self—troublesome behaviors. In mythology, crows are known as tricksters, connected with death and rebirth. Depending on the context, crows can be positive or negative. Greeks considered them good luck.
Crowds in dreams may indicate a search for peace and solitude. Large crowds reflect the dreamer’s comfort or anxiety in public spaces or society. Alternatively, the dream could be a play on words, relating to following crowds or feeling left out.
Crossing something in a dream symbolizes transitions and movements in life. Crossing a river reflects emotional transitions. It’s a positive symbol, as in ‘crossing over troubled waters.’ Crossing a bridge signifies new beginnings and developments. Bridges connect two points—what does that mean to you? A flooded bridge reflects emotional turbulence during transition. Crossing a busy street represents fast-paced movements and transitions amidst others’ paths.
This dream symbol may indicate indecision in life, unsure of which way to go. The dream’s content can help understand your current situation. Where did you end up going?
Crocodiles in dreams serve as warnings or emotional attacks. These cold-blooded creatures may also represent hidden dangers or deceitful behaviors.
People who are cold-hearted and exploit your emotions, observing every move while remaining motionless. Upon attack, they may signify hidden hazards, fears, anxiety, or malevolent individuals lurking just beneath the surface.
Recognized for their sound, they heighten your awareness of the nocturnal and spiritual guidance. However, in large numbers, they can present a threat against you.
You may be expressing emotions that you can’t release in waking life. These dreams often leave the dreamer feeling good upon awakening. If pent-up emotions exist, they may be released in dreams since it’s difficult to do so consciously.
Dreaming of cuddling is a positive symbol of desire, affection, protection, and happiness between two people. These dreams often involve unconscious feelings and emotions.
Joining a cult often reflects a social group influencing your behavior. The cult symbolizes something unorthodox you follow in life. The cult leader represents someone controlling your thoughts, ideas, and actions, prompting you to examine what controls you.
The dream’s meaning varies based on what or who is being cut. Generally, cutting something unrelated to the body signifies removal, stopping progress, or causing damage. Cutting grass symbolizes thoughts and feelings needing organization or growth.
Cutting nails reflects hard work and ability to alter something in waking life.
Cutting raw fish connects to spirituality and a desire for knowledge.
Cutting wood signifies strength from past foundations.
Cutting with a knife implies removal or an unconscious sexual undertone.
Cutting Hair
Hair in dreams symbolizes inner strength, wisdom, and power. Cutting hair extremely short, even bald, carries both negative and positive meanings, often reflecting unconscious personal changes affecting self-image and attitudes.
Dreaming of cycling is a positive omen about personal progress. Balance and force direct you towards goals. Cycling difficulty indicates obstacles. The wheel symbolizes spiritual aspects, balance, and enlightenment.
A cyclone’s anticlockwise motion indicates emotional forces challenging peace of mind. Inward-spiraling winds cause emotional unrest. Invisible forces alter peace if unrecognized. Dark cyclones connect to shadow aspects; water cyclones to emotional issues.
Cyclops dreams often involve dogs, cats, and babies, symbolizing instinctive strength. As the third eye, it signifies intuition. A cyclops baby represents new inner growth. Dogs imply searching; cats indicate feminine energy.
Dreaming of cymbals foretells happiness and harmony. Their circular shape signifies completion and wholeness with certain energy levels.
There may be an issue lingering that needs resolution. Did the cyst come off? If so, it’s positive; if found, it suggests addressing a building issue.