Biblical Dream Interpretation A to Z

This is my Biblical Dream Interpretation A to Z. This is a collection of Spiritual interpretations of dreams arranged in alphabetical order. In this article, we will reveal the spiritual meaning of your dreams.

Dreams are a way our ‘inner man’ communicates with our minds; scientists say it is a way our ‘sub-conscience’ interprets our feelings on the way we feel about certain things and people.

Spiritually, dreams are ways we get messages from our Creator about things that will have an impact in our lives. Sometimes they can be dreams with messages of encouragement, at other times they can be warnings of evil plans against us. As the Lord has access to our dreams so does the devil.

The devil accesses our dreams to attack, these attacks can come in different forms, and this is why we need to understand the spiritual significance of our dreams. It will be unadvisable to take every dream we have for face value, rather we should seek for spiritual interpretation of every dream we have. Especially dreams we have multiple times.

While there are dreams, we have that do not have a spiritual significance it will be advantageous to know the dreams that do have spiritual significance. So, how do you differentiate the dreams that have spiritual significance as opposed to the dreams that have no spiritual significance?

Know the dreams that have no spiritual significance against the ones that do have a spiritual significance? This is the reason we need to be prayerful and filled with the spirit of God so that we get filled with the ability to discern dreams: Hebrews 4:12

Now, having the ability to discern or having access to a person, pastor, or prophet with the gift of discernment is the first step, you then need the gift of interpretation of these dreams. Now we have compiled a couple of spiritual interpretations of dreams.

You do not need the spirit of discerning what dream has spiritual significance in your life for this list of dreams to be important to you, you just need to have a similar one to the ones here. Please read through and enrich your soul and fortify your spirit man with grace, enlightenment, and authority that comes from the one true God.

Biblical Dream Interpretation A to Z


Accident Dreams:

When you have a dream of accidents this signifies disaster and depression. This is a divine warning that the evil forces against your destiny are planning something demonic against you.

If in real life you are planning to travel by road, the dream might signify that the journey might not be as fruitful as you planned, and rather than coming back with good news, you will be met with bad news.

If in the dream you were struck by a motor vehicle and you died from the impact this could signify that the devil is attempting to deny you from achieving your destiny by using you as a sacrifice for evil.

When you dream of an accident while you driving and then you run into another vehicle and you die from the crash, this could signify that the devil plans to cause you to lose control of your vehicle when you are driving and for serious bodily harm to come to you.


Read and recite the following verses from the Bible: Exodus22:2-3, Isaiah 49:25-26

Prayer Point: Father, by the authority you have given me as a Child of God, I come against every evil plan of accidents in my life and the life of my Family We shall never lose control of our vehicles and our vehicles are covered by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name

Angel Dream:

Won’t it be awesome to have dreams of angels always? Angels appear to us in dreams as messengers from God; Matthew 2:13. The angels in our dreams can bring good tidings and warnings to us from God.

It will be imperative to heed these warnings and do as the Lord says if not, we fall prey to the devil and its scheming ways. It will be important to listen and understand the message the angel brings to us, and act on these messages as soon as we wake up.

God will always warn his children of all danger ahead of them and let us know when good tidings come our way so we can stand fast and expectant so the devil doesn’t steal our good fortunes.


Please read and recite the following Bible verses: Psalm 34:7, Psalm 91:11

Airport Dreams:

When you dream of an airport and are about to catch a flight leaving the country, this can be interpreted as your intent to travel out of the country. With that dream, your intent will be successful only with added prayers and vigilance. Do not be carefree to achieve this desire as the devil is working day and night to make sure your desire is frustrated.

If you have dreams of an airport and you miss a flight this signifies the effort the devil has been applying to frustrate your efforts to travel out of the country.


Please read the following verse and repeat to yourself in prayers: Isaiah 40:31

Alcohol Dreams:

When you have dreams of yourself drinking alcohol this can signify that you are in grave danger of losing your life by engaging in sinful activities. It shows that you are polluting your soul with material desires instead of filling your mind and soul with Godly energy. The alcohol represents several sinful acts.


Please read from the following verse and repeat to yourself: Isaiah 59:2, Romans 8:35

Adoption Dreams:

The interpretation of this dream has to do with our women folk. When a married woman; who hasn’t given birth to a child yet, has a dream of adopting a child this can signify fruitfulness.

When you dream of adopting a child and the dream occurs regularly this signifies that you need to adopt a child as soon as possible. Nurturing and caring for adopted children are ways for God to open your womb and deliver you from fruitlessness.

Sometimes we need to give to receive. Give a child love as if it were your own and God will surely bless you


Please read this verse for encouragement: Isaiah 65:24

Prayer Point:

Father God, I thank you for the fruit of the womb because you are the one true provider, in Jesus name

Animal Dreams:

When you have dreams of animals such as snakes, dogs, cats, cows, etc being violent with you this is very significant.

When you have dreams of animals being violent with you it signifies demonic attacks against you.

Diabolical spirits take the form of animals in your dreams to mark you for curses and attack your destiny. Not all dreams of animals are bad, but when the dreams are of animals or deformed animals chasing you, attacking you this signifies demonic attacks in real life.

It is important to pray against all evil plans against you. You might need to consider going for ‘deliverance’ services.


Please read the bible verses: Isaiah 54:15-17, Matthew 11:12

Prayer Point:

Father, every evil spirit that comes into my dreams in the form of animals, die now in Jesus name

Arrest Dreams:

When you have dreams of Arrests this signifies spiritual confinement of your destiny. The destiny of a child of God is a threat to the mission of the devil and it will do all possible to rid us of our destiny.

Being confined by the forces of darkness rid us of access to the glory of God because we will be involved in sin and our souls polluted with evil deeds. We eventually become minions of the devil; doing the devil’s deeds instead of God’s work on earth.

Whenever we find ourselves in spiritual confinement, nothing good seems to come our way, and if it does, we never last long in grace and fruitfulness. When we find ourselves in situations of sadness, lack of fulfilment, confusion, constant illness, these are signs of spiritual confinement and we need to escape and the only way to do so is by prayers and dedication to the word of God.

We have to be serious in ridding ourselves of bad habits and addictions that keep us in sin. We have to pray to God for the assistance of the Holy Spirit to rid us of all bad habits


Bible verses: Acts 16:25-40, Obadiah 1:17, Psalm 59:1

Prayer Point:

By the authority given to me by the living God, I will never be arrested by any evil spirit in Jesus name

Award Dreams:

When you have a dream that you are being presented with an award this signifies that the current project you are concentrating on is beginning to be celebrated. The results of the effort and focus you are putting into a project will be rewarded with fruitfulness, so you need to be vigilant and prayerful so the devil doesn’t cause you to fail.

When you have a dream that another person is being presented an award this signifies that the person you dreamt about is about to be celebrated.


Read Bible verses: James 4:10, Psalm 75:6, Psalm 113:7.

Prayer Point

I and my family will be celebrated, in Jesus name.


Baby Dreams

When you have dreams of babies this doesn’t always signify a good thing, it all depends on the context of the dream and your real-life situation.

When you are married and pregnant in real life and you dream of yourself in the hospital with a newborn child this signifies that you are going to give birth to your child safely.

Still, when you are not married and you dream of yourself in a hospital with a newborn baby this signifies having a baby out of wedlock.

When you dream of yourself taking care of a ‘strange’ baby (whether you are married or not) this signifies the presence of a ‘marine spirit’ that is troubling your marriage.

When you have a dream of taking care of a baby that has a resemblance to your child yet the child has a cold attitude towards you this signifies the child’s destiny is controlled by the devil.

When you have a dream of a baby and another woman asks you to carry that baby for her and you accept this signifies that you have been cursed not to have a baby by ‘familiar’ spirits and even if you do have a child, the child will be destined to cause you and himself/herself grief and misfortune. The child will need deliverance.

For women who have had abortions before, when you dream and you have an abortion in the dream this signifies that your marriage is not on solid ground.


You will need to pray and fast for 3 days from 6am-3pm

Bible verse: Psalm 18:44, Jeremiah 29:13

Prayer Point:

For every marine child that visits y ream to replace my real children, die now, in Jesus name

 Breastfeeding Baby Dreams

When a woman dreams of breastfeeding a baby, this signifies the woman losing her glory to ‘marine spirits’. These spirits are sucking the woman dry of her glory and destiny.

In the dream, the milk the woman is breastfeeding the baby signifies her glory, and the baby represents the evil spirit that is assigned to suck all the woman’s glory.


You will need to pray and fast for 3 days from 6am-3pm

Bible verses: Psalm 109, Proverbs 13:18

Prayer Point:

Father, it is said in the word that whatever the worms and the cankerworms have eaten you will replenish me, all spirits after my glory, die now In Jesus name

Bible Dreams

I don’t see how dreaming of the bible can ever be bad. When you have dreams of the Bible this signifies a deep spiritual connection to the word of God. You will need to keep this up in real life, because God will use his word to reveal things through you.


Bible verses: Joshua 1:8, john 1:1, 2 Tim 2:15, Matthew 24:3

Bathing Dreams:

When you dream of bathing this signifies your efforts in ‘real life’ to fight against curses and spiritual arrows aimed at you by evil forces.

When you dream of bathing with a sponge this signifies you are ‘washing’ all your ill luck away.

When you are dreaming of bathing and a peeping Tom is watching you this signifies that the forces of evil are keeping close tabs on you and your progress, they are watching you to find how to penetrate your armor. You need to be very cautious and keep your prayer life strong.

Bridge Dreams

When you dream of a bridge and you cross the bridge successfully with no obstacle or hindrance this signifies that the obstacles you are facing, you will overcome, and most of these obstacles that you have overcome will become channels of blessings for you


Bible verse: Mark 13:14

Boyfriend Dreams

When you dream of your beloved making a marriage proposal to you yet he hasn’t made that same proposal in real life this signifies patience.

You need to be patient, he will propose eventually but do not force him, and do not commit any sinful act to try and make him propose; wait on God’s time.


Bible verse: Romans 12:2

Blood Stain Dreams

When you have dreams of blood stains on yourself, your clothes, bed, this signifies that the evil forces against you are out to end your life.

If you have this dream repeatedly, this signifies that there is a blood covenant between you and the devil.

This covenant might have been contracted without your knowledge or consent but it is binding because blood had been used to seal it.

We need to remember that we are children of God and the blood of the Lamb that had no blemish had been shed to release us from every covenant with the devil.


Bible verse: Revelations 12:11, Philippians 4:6-7, Psalm 35

Prayer Point:

Any alter that has any contract of blood with my name, you are canceled in Jesus name

Bag Dreams

When you dream of bags and you are carrying the bag, this signifies that your blessings and breakthroughs are assured.

When you have dreams of bags and your bag gets stolen or items you placed in the bag are missing, this signifies that your destiny has been taken away from blessings that have been stolen from you.

The devil is always accusing us at the Throne of God, and we have wicked spirits in high places that wrestle with ‘messenger angels’ of our blessings.

We have to pray hard for such evil forces to stay off our blessings. Daniel had his blessing kept away from him for over 21 years. We have to take this type of dream seriously.


Bible verse: I Samuel 30:8, Psalm 37

Prayer Point

By the authority God has given me, I command every prince of Persia and every power of the air to release my blessings now, in Jesus name

Bush Dreams

Dreaming about bushes can either be good or bad it depends on the context of the dream.

When you have a dream of a bush with no one close to it, just the bush, this signifies revelation. God wants to reveal something to you and you need a quiet, lonely location to hear the word of God.

It is always advisable to isolate yourself whenever you want revelation from God, this helps you to reduce distractions that could stop you from receiving the revelation from God.

When you have dreams of farming and you are toiling hard this signifies that you have the spirit of resilience, hard work, focus, and passion. When you have dreams in which you are fetching firewood from the bush this signifies that you are heading into a situation where you will have no one to help you out only the grace of God.

When you dream of animals eating from plants you planted, it signifies that evil forces are out to attack your destiny and financial growth.

When you have dreams and you see a bunch of trees on the bush this signifies that You are favored for rapid growth in your fortunes. When you have dreams of the bush in your village and you are always in it, this signifies a slowdown in your fortunes.


Pray and fast for 3 days straight from 6am-3pm

Bible verses: Isaiah 49:24-26, Psalm 68:1-2 

Prayer Point:

By the authority God has given to me as a child of God, I come against all evil forces attempting to attack my destiny, In Jesus name


Celebration Dreams

When you have dreams of celebrations and you see yourself celebrating this signifies God has delivered you a great victory. This is a wonderful dream to have but be sure that the devil will come after you with more aggression so you need to be prayerful.

When you have dreams of celebrating with a lot of people this signifies that you are mixing with people who God will use to connect you to higher heights in your place of work or in your personal life.


Pray: The love of my Father has delivered me from the snares of the evil one, I praise God, in Jesus name

Chorister Dreams

When you dream of being a choir member singing in a church, this signifies that God appreciates you and you will be rewarded for being hard working in the house of God.


Bible verses: Psalm 150:1, Psalm 100:2

Car Stolen Dreams

When you have dreams of stolen cars and that car is yours, this signifies that forces of evil have stolen your blessings.

A car is considered a status symbol, it signifies growth and wealth. So, when you have such dreams, it means the source of your wealth is being attacked If you have this dream, it will be wise if you make a sacrifice of the car you have in real life to the church or increase the rate of your tithing.


Bible verse: Mal 3:10-12

Cooking in the Kitchen Dreams

When you have dreams of cooking in the kitchen, and the person you are cooking for is your husband, this signifies that the forces of evil are trying to use you to poison your husband. Most dreams of eating have negative interpretations.

When you have dreams of cooking, this signifies the intention of the forces of evil to use you as a tool to pull down the destiny of others. This shows manipulation and control of your destiny too by the devil.


Bible verses: Matt 4:4, Ezekiel 36:25-27

Prayer Point: Every controlling power of the devil over my life and the works of my hand, I reject you in Jesus name

Coconut Dreams:

When you have dreams of coconuts this signifies that you have unused gifts that can bring you into great wealth. You will need to begin using these gifts, perfect them and God will open doors for you to use these gifts to touch lives positively and this will bring you great wealth.


Bible verse: Prov 18:16

Crying Dreams:

When you have dreams of crying, this signifies that something will cause you to be sad soon. It can be about you or about a loved one. It will be important to be prayerful and vigilant.

When you pray always come against any source of bad news in your life and the lives of your loved ones


Bible verse: Psalm 118:17.

Climbing Dreams

When you have climbing dreams and are climbing up a mountain; or anything else, this signifies that you are having difficulty achieving your dreams and attaining breakthroughs in your life.

When you dream of climbing and you fall, this signifies a delay in reaching your destiny. Delay, is a weapon that is available to the devil to distract us from achieving our destiny and the devil knows how to use this to cause us depression and sadness but we need to remember that God is the ultimate power on earth. Mathew 11:28, says, ‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest’.

Whatever obstacle the devil has set for us we will overcome because the authority God has given to us is to overcome such obstacles and as long as we operate in that reality, we will overcome everything the devil sets ahead of us.


Prayer point: I come against every obstacle of failure and delay in the lives of my loved ones and in my life in Jesus name


Digging Dreams

When you have dreams of digging, they can either be good or bad dreams.

When you have dreams of digging and you can find something to bring out it signifies you are about to come into a major change in your life; a positive change.

When you have dreams of digging and someone is digging the ground to bury an item this signifies death


Engage in prayers and fasting for 3 days

Bible verse: Num 23:23, Isaiah 54:17

Dove Dreams

When you have dreams of doves this signifies the presence of God in your daily life and everything that concerns you. Luke 3:22 says, ‘and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.’ In this case thank God for his presence in your life

Dog Dreams

When you have drams of dogs this signifies sexual immorality. When you dream of digs and a dog is chasing you this signifies that situations of sexual immorality are being presented to you, either in your place of work or in your daily life.

You need to be strong and disciplined not to fall for the antics of the devil because the sin of sexual immorality leads to death


Bible verses: Psalm 56, 59 and 51

Prayer Point: Every form of sexual immorality around me, die now in Jesus name


Evangelism Dreams

When you have dreams of evangelism this signifies you are being called to be an evangelist. Evangelism is about bringing God’s word to the people.

It also means God has given you the gifts and characteristics to be a successful evangelist. It will be wise to seek God to grant understanding on what aspect of evangelism he wants you to concentrate on.

You might need to add prayer and fasting to your daily exercise in seeking the face of God.


Bible verse: Acts 1, Acts 2, Matthew 28:19, Luke 4:18, Ephesians 4:11

Eating Dreams

When you have dreams of eating this signifies attacks by the devil. The attacks can be in the form of sickness or curses. The food and manner of eating mean a lot in interpreting these kinds of dreams.


Bible Verse: Matthew 15:13

Engagement Dreams

When you have dreams of engagement, and you are engaged to a stranger, this signifies there are evil spirits against your marriage or married life.

Recent surveys indicate that the rate of divorce has grown significantly and people relate the most frequent cause to lack of finance, but rich couples still divorce because we do not realize that the root cause is spiritual in nature.

When you have a dream of being engaged to a beloved then it signifies that you will soon be married to that person.

You will need to pray against every evil force against your marriage and if you are not married yet, pray against every evil plan against your loved one so no spiritual inheritance follows that person into your marriage.


Fast and pray for 7 days from 6am-6pm

Bible verses: Isaiah 49:25-26, Jeremiah 15:21, Psalm 105:15. 


Flying Dreams

When you dream of flying high and ascending through the skies, this signifies that you will be triumphant against the forces of evil that come after you. When you have dreams of flying about in the air this signifies that you are being controlled by the forces of evil


Bible verse: Psalm 91

Flood Dreams

When you have dreams of flood and your house, or place of work is flooded this signifies that the forces of evil are planning an attack against you and your destiny


Bible verse: Isaiah 59:19

Fruit Dreams

When you dream of fruits and you pick an unripe fruit this signifies bareness for a woman and lack of progress for a man.

When you dream of picking ripe fruits this signifies fruitfulness to a woman and prosperity to a man


Bible verses: Psalm 92:12, Matthew 7:16-20

Fire Dreams

When you have dreams of fire this signifies sudden destruction and sadness in real life.


Pray and fast for 3 days from 6am-6pm

Bible verses: John 10:10, Joel 2:25.

Prayer Point: NO weapon fashioned against me shall prosper and all arrows fired at me return to sender in Jesus name

Football Dreams

When you have dreams of football games this signifies a team effort to defeat the plans of the devil. You will excel in team efforts either at work or in your personal life.

Make sure to have a prayer partner so you can engage in prayers of agreement; for it is said, ‘wherever 2 or 3 are gathered I am there’.

When you have such dreams, I will encourage you to engage to be a team player in all you do because you will be very successful in your efforts. Proverbs 27:17 says, ‘Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.’ 


Prayer Point: Father Lord, as I apply myself to your word, visit me and strengthen my efforts to produce results that will touch lives in your name

Bible Verses: Ephesians 4:32, Hebrews 10:24, Jeremiah 29;11-14, Philippians 4:6-7.


Goat Dreams:

When you have dreams of goats eating any item of yours this signifies that evil forces are attacking your source of wealth and breakthrough.

When you have dreams of chasing a goat from any or your property yet the goat keeps coming back this signifies that the ‘enemy of progress’ keeps coming back to attack you.


Prayer Point: Every plan of the devil to unseat me from my happiness and wealth, die now in Jesus name

Bible verses: Psalm 77, Psalm 25:18-19

Gun Dreams

When you have dreams of a gun aimed at you this signifies that forces of darkness are planning to attack your destiny.

When you have dreams of guns aimed at you and you get shot this signifies that the plans of the demon is to end your life by attacking your health, and finances.

When you have dreams of guns aimed at you and you get shot by a person you know this signifies the source of your attacks. This person is the one who has engaged these evil forces against you.


Prayer Point: No spiritual bullet shot into my destiny can affect me in Jesus name

Bible verses: Luke 10:19, Psalm 144, Ephesians 6:11-12

Pray and fast for 3 days

Grave Yard Dreams

When you have dreams of graveyards this signifies sudden death, illness and lack of direction.


Prayer Point: Every source of death in my life, die now in Jesus name

Bible verses: Psalm 124, Psalm 125

Fast for 3 days


Helping People Dreams

When you have dreams of helping people this signifies that you are a giver and that is how God wants to use you in his kingdom.

There is nothing wrong with being a giver because God will provide you with plenty of resources to give. The only thing here is you cannot take the glory, all glory must be to God.


Bible verse: Psalm 46:1


Ice Cream Dream

When you have dreams of ice cream this signifies the attacks of evil forces by observing and influencing your actions in real life. Sweets in the spiritual realm signify a spiritual trap, deception.

When you have dreams of eating the ice cream this signifies the forces of evil having a high degree of influence over your real-life actions because the devil can ‘drop’ SWEET WORDS into your ‘spiritual ear’ and you don’t even know that the devil is controlling you.

When you have dreams of eating ice cream often this signifies that the link the devil has to your destiny is tied to your bloodline and there is the need to break free from this ancestral bondage.

The Bible lets us know in Numbers 5:24 that, ‘ He shall make the woman drink the bitter water that brings a curse, and this water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering will enter her.’ NIV

We need to be cautious of the company we keep ad pray for deliverance from such ancestral links


Prayer Point: Every source of control the devil is using to influence my life choices, die now in Jesus name

Bible Verse: Matthew 13:25.


Kissing Dreams:

When you are having dreams of kissing a person this signifies a sexual affair with an evil spirit.

Most people have been contracted to spiritual wives and husbands and these spirits wreak havoc in the marriages of people in real life.

We have to break free from this evil situation. Most times it signifies that one is having an affair in real life too; this is called adultery and is a sin against the institution of marriage God created. The path of adultery leads to untimely death! Be warned.


Pray and fast for 7 days

Bible verse: 1 John 1:9

Light Dreams:

When you have dreams of light suddenly appearing when you are in a dark place this signifies that God has answered your prayers and that the course of action you intend to take has his blessings.

When you have dreams of light and you are happy with the sudden appearance of light, this signifies that your breakthrough has arrived.

You will always experience prosperity wherever you go, and however, you apply yourself as long as it follows the guidance of the Lord.


Prayer Point: No evil arrow shot against my destiny will locate me and my destiny in Jesus name

Bible verse:  Psalm 21 and Psalm 24.

Fast for 1 day

Lizard Dreams

When you dream of lizards in your house, this signifies a neighbor is attacking you spiritually. Lizards have a spiritual interpretation of being an enemy and a monitoring agent for the forces of evil.

When you dream of a lizard entering your house this signifies that you will receive spiritual attacks from a rival that could lead to your death or make you lose your path to your destiny.

When you have dreams of lizards in the bush this signifies an ancestral curse is working against you.

When you have dreams of lizards pursuing you this signifies a spiritual attack from a ‘close ally’.

When you dream of lizards on the wall this signifies that the forces of evil are keeping tabs on you.

When you dream of killing lizards and it escapes through a crack in the wall this signifies a failure on your part to destroy the forces of evil in your life.


Pray and fast for 3 days

Bible reading: Micah 7:5-8, Jer 30:16-17

Prayer Point: I come against every force of evil manipulating and observing my destiny in Jesus name


Market Dreams

When you dream of buying and selling items in a market place this signifies an attack on your mental well-being and problems in your marriage.

When you dream of your inability to pay for goods or services in the market this signifies a manipulative curse is operating in your life.

When you dream of a married woman going to the market this signifies that the forces of evil are influencing the woman’s decisions to affect her marriage negatively.


Bible Reading: Philippians 4:19


When you have dreams of your mother-in-law making promises to cause trouble in your marriage if you do not leave the marriage, this signifies that the forces of evil are influencing your mother-in-law against you and your marriage.

When you dream of your mother-in-law causing trouble in your marriage repeatedly this signifies that your mother-in-law is sworn into the order of witches, and she has been ordered to wreck the marriage to her child. You need to be prayerful and fast and always plead the blood of Jesus to cover you and your household.


Bible Reading: Isaiah 41:10, Isaiah 54:17

Money Dreams

When you have dreams of someone giving you money and you wake up feeling okay, this signifies a financial breakthrough but if you have dreams of someone giving you money then when you wake up you feel bad this signifies the forces of evil toying with your finances negatively.

When you dream of counting torn money this signifies that the source of your finances is being attacked. You will need to pray over your place of business and your choice of business.


Bible Reading: Matthew 7:7-8.


Native Doctor

When you have dreams of ‘native doctors’ or occultic masters this signifies that you are in a pact with occultic forces.

If you are born again you will need to destroy this pact and renounce the forces of hell for anything good to come your way through your new-found relationship with God.

If you find yourself with an unforgiving spirit (character) there is a need for God in your life and it is a clear indication of the occultic spirit operating and influencing you. You will need deliverance and prayers.


Bible reading: Numbers 23: 23, Psalm 35

Nakedness Dreams

When you have dreams of nakedness this signifies shame and exposure.

When you dream of someone walking about naked in public it signifies that the person is going through a situation of public humiliation.

When a man dreams of himself walking in public naked it puts the man in a situation that will cause him financial ruin.

When a woman has a dream that she is walking naked and people are looking at her nakedness, this signifies that the lady tells people of her intimate details and this makes people judge her instead of feeling sorry for her.


Prayer Point: Every situation that will expose my nakedness for everyone to see, die now in Jesus name

Bible Reading: Psalm 51, Psalm 23, Proverb 24:33-34 and Matthew 11:28.

Pray and fast for 3 days from 6am – 3 pm


Odor Dreams

When you have dreams of good-smelling odors this signifies that good favor will find you.

When you dream of bad odors coming from your body this signifies that your destiny if under attack by the forces of evil.


Prayer Point: Every source of bad smells in my life causing me rejection and ill-favor die now in Jesus name

Bible Reading: Genesis 8:21, John 12:3


Prayer Dreams

When you have dreams of praying or that you are in a prayer house this signifies that you are waging war against the forces of evil.

This battle is fought on your behalf by God And all that is required of you is to pray and keep your faith, do not relent no matter what reality presents to you, God will always be victorious for you.


Pray and be thankful to God for answered prayers

Bible Reading: Psalm 144, 1 Thessalonians 5:17.

Pastor Dreams

When you have dreams of a popular man of God praying with and for you this signifies that you have spiritual ‘keys’ in the hands of the man of God.

These keys open up doors of favor for you in reality. It will be important to pray to God for clarity because sometimes these dreams can be deceptive and mean nothing but anguish in the end for you.


Pray and fast for God’s divine direction

Bible Reading: 2 Peter 1:21

Private Part Dreams

When you have dreams of playing with your privates this signifies that you are an agent of destruction for the forces of evil.

When a woman dreams of sucking on a man’s penis this signifies that the woman will encounter spiritual curses and captivity.

When a man dreams of sucking on a woman’s vagina it signifies death, loss of status and position


Bible Reading: James 2:13, 1 Corinthians 10:13

Palm Trees

When you have dreams of palm trees this signifies blessing and good tidings.

Photograph Dreams

When you dream of someone taking pictures of you this signifies that someone is attempting to keep spiritual observation over your destiny.

They intend to use your image on their satanic alter to change and control your destiny.


Prayer point: I cover myself and my loved ones with the blood of Jesus and every monitoring spirit attached to my life, die now in Jesus’ name

Bible Study: Psalm 91, Psalm 105:15


Rain Dream

When you have dreams that rain beats you this signifies God is blessing you abundantly. Rain signifies blessings in the spiritual realm.

It symbolizes blessings from heaven upon us.


Prayer Point: Father, let the showers of blessing continue to beat me all my life in Jesus name

Bible Study: James 5:18, Leviticus 26:4, 1 Kings 18:41-45

Rope Dreams

When you have dreams of ropes appearing suddenly when you are in a deep pit this signifies that the grace of God has found you in your time of need, be prayerful so that you do not miss this opportunity.

When you dream that an animal or a representation of you is tied by a rope, this signifies that your destiny is held down by the forces of evil.

When you dream of an animal or yourself being tied with a rope this signifies that your destiny is being held down by evil forces.


Prayer Point: Every access the devil has to me to tie my destiny down, burn by fire now in Jesus name

Fast and pray for 7 days from 6 am-3pm

Bible Study: Obadiah 1:17, Psalm 35


Sick Dreams

When you have dreams of being ill this signifies that the forces of evil are attempting to render you physically weak and immobile. This could lead to your death if not tackled immediately.


Bible Study: Isaiah 53:5

Snake Dreams

When you have dreams of a snake attempting to bite you this signifies that your spiritual life is weak and you need to grow stronger to keep away the forces of evil.

Snakes are used to monitor us in the spirit and harm us when we are spiritually weak. Pray against every situation that will dim your prayer life.


Bible study: Luke 10:19

Sexual Dreams

It seems this is a common dream. When a man has dreams of having sexual intercourse with a woman and he ejaculates sperm this signifies that the man has released his glory to the evil forces who now store his glory and keep the glory away from him.

When a woman has dreams of having sex with a man this signifies that she will suffer in her marriage, and she will not be able to practice financial discipline.

Having dreams of sexual intercourse can lead to a man’s infertility in real life and a woman’s bareness. Pray and attend deliverance services.


Bible Study: Psalm 27

Snail Dreams

When a man dreams of picking up a snail this signifies a lack of fulfillment in the man’s life and a lack of progress.

When a woman dreams of snails this signifies her health might suffer suddenly.

Snails are slow-moving animals and signify a slow pace in achieving a goal. Pray for quick answers from God and a fast pace in achieving goals.


Bible Reading: Romans 8:28


Toilet Dreams

When you have dreams of passing waste in the toilet this signifies that you are getting rid of all spiritual items that polluted your life.

You need to pray to God to block all the avenues the devil has to inflict curses into your life.


Bible Study: Isaiah 54:4, Isaiah 50:7, Numbers 22:34

Teeth Dreams

When you have dreams of broken teeth this signifies shame in your life. The forces of evil are attacking the attributes that make you attractive to clients, people, and wealth.


Prayer Point: Every evil force against my shine, die now in Jesus name

Bible Study: Ephesians 4:31-32, Matthew 11:12

Tithe Dreams

When you have dreams of paying your tithe this signifies God opening the ‘floodgates’ of blessings for you.

When you have dreams of sowing seeds this signifies that you are to receive multiple blessings.

Begin to practice being a giver rather than a receiver.


Udara Dreams

When you have dreams of Udara this signifies healing and prosperity. Udara is a Nigerian name that is used to describe the ‘Cherry’ fruit. When you dream of the fruit it signifies healing.

Healing can be in your marriage, relationships, health, or finances. The most important thing is that there is healing involved. You will need to thank God for this revelation and fast so that this blessing comes to pass.

When you dream of someone giving you udara or that you picked it up, this signifies bondage.

When a woman dreams of picking up udara from the ground this signifies bareness and troubles in her marriage.


Buy the udara fruit and use it as a point of contact with your prayers and pray against any affliction the forces of evil want to inflict on you.

Bible Study: Galatians 5:22-26, Leviticus 26:4-5


Village Dreams

When you have reoccurring dreams of being in the village this signifies the forces of evil trying to pull you back under their influence.

This will cause financial disaster in your life. You need to attack such dreams immediately and pray for a favor from God to end this spiritual torment in your life. Bible Study: Psalm 27, Psalm 107:14


War Dreams

When you dream of battling against people, signifies war being waged against your success and destiny.

Winning this battle is God’s work, your work is to be vigilant in fasting and being prayerful to keep your faith. No war is won by you worrying and being afraid (no matter the opposition). You are to remain faithful to God and believe in your victory.

When you dream of wars and you get hit by a bullet, this signifies diabolic control over your affairs. When you dream of wars and you are fighting against a nation, this signifies that you are fighting against a host of demons.

You need to remember though that the bible says in Isaiah 54: 17, ‘No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from me, thus says the Lord.

You will need to be prayerful and declare that every weapon the devil deploys against you will miss you and will return to sender, in Jesus name.

Watch Dreams

When you dream of a watch this signifies a warning that time is of the essence and you need to achieve your goals faster. A tool the devil uses too often is delay, when you find that your dreams always suffer a setback this needs prayers because it is a sure indication that the devil is afflicting your plans with delay.

When you experience delay you tend to get frustrated, when you get frustrated, you tend to lose faith in God and begin to question his relevance in your life, this leaves you open for the devil to manipulate.

Sometimes we don’t see life as fair when we have to battle with principalities we never invited into our lives but we have to remember that even when the devil causes a delay in our lives it is God who said in Joel 2:25, ‘ And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you’.

So, even if we have fallen victim to the devil’s delay tactic there is always God’s restoration that we can ask for, and God will always give it. If you find yourself always postponing actions you should take today then you are a victim of the devil’s delay tactic.

We need to learn to act timely and stop delaying actions we know we have to take.

Wedding Dreams

When you have dreamt of a wedding with a stranger this signifies that you are actually ‘married’ to a spirit. This spirit marriage is an infliction to you in real life. It causes bareness and marriage difficulty.

When a person is not married it makes suitors run away from the person. And marriage is supposed to be a good thing. God didn’t institute marriage to put us in bondage rather he created it to aid us in living a fulfilled life.

We have to pray for God to disengage us from such spiritual marriages. Sometimes these spiritual marriages are contracted without our consent and knowledge and that is why we dream such dreams to let us know what is holding us down. Bible Study: John 14:1-31, Psalm 139:14.

Wedding Gown Dreams

The bible lets us know in Revelations 19:7, ‘Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb comes, and his wife hath made herself ready’.

When you are married and you dream of wedding gowns this signifies marital disunity.

When the dream is reoccurring, you need to sit with your spouse discuss the dream, and have prayer sessions together. A prayer of agreement is very strong and is a potent weapon against spiritual enemies of your marriage.

Also, you need to be patient with your spouse to work on the problems besieging your marriage, it could be financial problems, lack of children, etc, you need to be loving and understanding to work on these issues, commit them in prayer, and watch God work on them.

When you are single and you dream of yourself wearing a wedding gown at the venue of a wedding, this signifies that you need the patience to observe the actions of your intended, to see if he will propose marriage or if he is wasting your time; time and prayer will reveal what you need to know.

When you dream of wearing a stained wedding gown it signifies disappointment and marital hardships.

If you are not married and you have a dream of wearing a stained wedding gown this signifies that you are going to be disappointed with marital delay as the evil forces are working against you, you need to push back with the power of God and the glory of heaven at your side; you cannot fail.

God is not a god of failure and you are not destined to fail, learn from all disappointments and never let them define you.

If you have dreams of wearing a torn wedding gown this signifies that the man who intends to marry you is on the verge of changing his mind. Spiritual movements are working against you all the time a man wants to marry you.

When you have dreams that your wedding gown has been stolen this signifies that the forces of evil against you do not want you to get married and are distracting all the legible suitors from locating you. In this case, you need to attend deliverance services and pray hard for God to release you from this bondage.


You will need to fast and pray for 7 days from 6am – 6pm.

Prayer Point: Father, every spiritual marriage I might be involved in with and without my knowledge cancel them, in Jesus name


Yam Dreams

When you dream of eating or cooking yam this signifies the devil is attacking you and gaining control of your destiny.

When you have dreams of someone feeding you yam to eat this signifies the person who has been causing grief and misfortune in your life. Yam in dreams has a spiritual link to poverty and misfortunes. You need to be vigilant and prayerful to end hold of the devil in your life


Prayer Point: Every arrow the devil shoots into my life burn by fire and turn to ashes in Jesus name

Bible study: Psalm 7, Psalm 35, Psalm 59

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